Family Blog: Coconuts Sailing the World – 100% Green

The Coconuts Sail Team is a family of six whose sailing roots grew out of their love for the sea and traveling.  For a decade, Jay, Natasha, Sol, Luna, Caribe & Ártico lived a nomadic life aboard their engineless / eco-sailboat, sailing around the world, but since 2016 they have immersed themselves and tackled the world of professional off-shore solo sailboat racing, in the coast of Brittany, France.

In 2023 t he Coconuts Sail Team successfully completed their Mini Project which they set out to accomplish five years ago. After five years of construction and hard work, Jay was finally able to race his boat Speedy González, in the acclaimed Mini-Transat race in 2021, a solo transatlantic race from France to Guadaloupe, finishing in 9th place, out of 90 competitors.

The next challenge was establishing the transatlantic world sailing speed record, which after an abandoned attempt in 2022 due to 2 hurricanes blocking his path, he completed the official route in August 2023 from New York to Lizard Point in 17 days, nine hours, 51 minutes and 09 seconds, fulfilling his dream of a full circle of the Atlantic in a Mini 6.50.

The boat is now for sale and the team is ready for the NEXT ADVENTURE… a Class40? a Figaro? Their ultimate dream is of putting together an IMOCA60 campaign to participate in the Vendee Globe race one day.

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