Chasing Sunsets: Book Review

Chasing Sunsets: a Practicing Devout Coward’s Circumnavigation with his wife and son.
By Lawrence Pane
ISBN: 978-0976569503
Publication Date: March 2008
Price: $24.95
Publisher: Raymond Hill Publishing

Around the World in 6.5 Years

This bumper of a book will take up some space in your cruising library, however, it’s an easy, enjoyable read for anyone planning a circumnavigation by the well-trodden route. Both the author, his wife, and their son contribute to the adventure story with useful tips and advice, although frankly there’s nothing new here.

Author and skipper Lawrence Pane freely admits he and his family started their 6-year voyage extremely “green”, and from this perspective, the book demonstrates quite nicely the learning curve the family goes through. There are plenty of good lessons in the book from actual experience, and some useful local information in parts (although written between 1995 and 2002 and knowing how quickly the world is changing the usefulness of this information is negligible).

It was nice to see that return to “normal” life was covered in the book, and the effect 6 years at sea had on their young son. For parents considering a circumnavigation with their children, there are some interesting pointers by wife Carole, herself a teacher.

You are not going to glean a mountain of information from this book, however, if you want to get a “feel” for what a circumnavigation might be like, it’s well worth a read.

Posted October 2008

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