UKMTO (UK Maritime Trade Organization) (RN) Dubai
Business Contact Info
United Kingdom
Contact Details:
Phone: (+44) 4402392222060
Alternative Phone: (+971) 971505523215
Fax: (+971) 971043094254

UKMTO Dubai coordinates the management of all merchant ship and yachts in the GOA area and northern Indian Ocean. They also administer the Voluntary Reporting Scheme. When transiting the HRA/VRA or on passage in the North Indian Ocean, send an ‘Initial Report’ to UKMTO, provide daily position updates at 0800 UTC and issue a ‘Final Report’ when exiting the HRA/VRA/completing your passage. Copies of these reports can be found at the web link. Positions are preferred by email but alternatively by telephone. In the event of a pirate attack, call the above number.

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