Puerto Deportivo de Santa Eulalia
Business Contact Info
Pto. Deportivo de Sta.Eulalia
Sta. Eulalia de Rio
Contact Details:
Phone: (+) 34971336161
Fax: (+) 34971332810
Email: info@puertodeportivosantaeulalia.com
Website: http://www.puertodeportivosantaeulalia.com/
VHF: 09

Max. length 22m. All facilities, fuel berth, WiFi (signal weak), laundry, chandlery, provisions, bar & restaurant, bank, shops, 24hr security. Boatyard with 60-ton travel hoist, 6-ton crane, repair services.

The office is in the tower by the west mole. Price includes Wifi but excludes water & electricity. Call on arrival, good English spoken. Arrivals quay.

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