Porto Turistico Marina di Ragusa
Business Contact Info
Via Livorno 28
Marina di Ragusa
Contact Details:
Phone: (+) 390932230301
Fax: (+) 390932239466
Email: info@ptmr.it
Website: https://www.portoturisticomarinadiragusa.it/en
VHF: 74

All facilities, fuel berth, laundry, ATM, restaurant, car and bike rental, taxis and airport shuttle. Max length 50m. Depth 2.5-5m. 700 berths. Shops in the marina. No longer marina WiFi as cheap deals can be found with European SIMs.

Rates reported being extremely reasonable and special offers available for winter bookings (see website). A popular winter haven for live-a-boards. Staff are fluent in English and very helpful.

Boatyard with 160-ton travel lift, mobile crane, shore storage, a range of repair facilities.

Note: you are not allowed to work on the outside of the boat yourself.


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