Port Vauban
Business Contact Info
Contact Details:
Phone: (+) 330298279599
Alternative Phone: (+) 330298278931
Fax: (+) 330298279645
Email: capitainerie.camaret@wanadoo.fr
Website: http://www.port-de-camaret.sitew.com/

Visitors moor on pontoons 2,3,4 and 5. Larger yachts use the outer breakwater (pontoon 7).

There are water and electricity on the pontoons. Fuel is available 24hrs and accepts all credit cards. Toilets and showers are at the bottom of the old Tour Vauban and require a 2 euro piece for the jetton. WiFi at the marina.

The Port office is only open part-time (there is a 2nd one in the town) but a berthing master tours the pontoons regularly.

At low water springs, the access to the pontoons is dangerously steep, especially when wet.

It is not advisable to leave a yacht unattended here during the winter months.

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