Marina Las Palmas
Business Contact Info
Calle Joaquin Blanco Torrent, S/N
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Gran Canaria
Canary Islands
Contact Details:
Phone: (+34) 928214750
Fax: (+) 34928232378
VHF: 11

Visitors’ berths, all facilities, showers, internet, WiFi, laundry (24 hours), fuel and more. Requires special water tap connections, only some electricity connections working (connection charge applied). Pontoon access cards required. These can be obtained from the port office for a small charge.

There is a chandlery and boatyard on-site, with repair facilities and provisioning conveniently close by.

Office hours are 09:30 – 14:00 and 16:00 – 19:00, Mon-Sat, and 09:30 – 14:00 Sunday.

Marina charges explained: This is a public marina affected by a number of local and national pricing laws. This means your bill may be difficult to understand. There are three things you have to pay for: Berth tax, Navigation Aids tax, and water/electricity. Sometimes this will mean you are given three separate invoices.

Berth Tax: The amount charged to you is calculated using the area of your boat in square metres (length x width), multiplied by the stern-to or alongside rate. The fee is charged by the day, not by night. This means that a one-night stay may be charged at two days.

Navigation Aids Tax: The “T-0” tax (tasa de ayudas a la navegacion) is charged to boats 12m or over. Again it is charged by the day and prices are reasonable.

Current rates (February 2022*):
Berth Tax and Navigation Tax:
Stern-to berths: 0.17€ / day / m2
Alongside berths: 0.418€ / day / m2

Water & Electricity
Daily Water & Electricity charges: (+7% IGIC)
LOA 10-15m: 1.55€
LOA 15-20m: 2.31€
LOA 20-25m: 3.08€

Monthly Water & Electricity charges: (+7% IGIC)a
LOA 10-15m: 15.42€
LOA 15-20m: 21.13€
LOA 20-25m: 30.83€

Larger yachts (normally those over 65ft) berthing along the Eastern Wall (‘Dique Este’) are charged by usage:
Water: 4.62€ x m³ & Electricity: 0.18 € x kw/h

*Rates may have increased during 2022

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