JRCC Australia (Search & Rescue)
Business Contact Info
Contact Details:
Phone: (+61) 262306811
Alternative Phone: (+61) 262306899
Email: rccaus@amsa.gov.au
Website: https://www.amsa.gov.au/

Based in Canberra, RCC Australia is a 24-hour operation which is responsible for coordinating all maritime and aviation SAR operations, as well as for the ground segment of the Cospas-Sarsat distress beacon detection system (EPIRBs).

JRCC Australia has been operating since 1997 when the SAR functions of Airservices Australia and AMSA merged into a single agency.

The JRCC can be alerted to a maritime distress situation via its 24-hour nationwide high-frequency (HF) radiotelephone monitoring capability on 4 125, 6 215, 8 291, 12 290 and 16 420 kHz.

24-hour Maritime helpline

  • Within Australia: 1800 641 792
Outside Australia: +61 2 6230 6811

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