Business Contact Info
(Direccion Nacional de Espacios Aquaticos)
Contact Details:
Phone: (+) 59342321602
Fax: (+) 59342324714
Email: guayaquil_radio@dirnea.org
Website: http://www.dirnea.org/

(Direccion Nacional de Espacios Aquaticos)

DIRNEA has information on SITRAME in Spanish and English on its website. SITRAME (Sistema de Información de Tráfico Marítimo) is a computer tracking system that has been set up to oversee the movements of all maritime shipping in Ecuadorean territorial waters. It has been implemented by the Ecuadorean Navy and managed by DIRNEA, the authority for the merchant navy.

The area of jurisdiction is West until 095° 23 00 W, from 01° 28′ 54″ N to 03° 23′ 33.96″ S; and, 200 NM around the Galápagos Islands.

NOTE: There is a warning that the DIRNEA website is not secure.

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