Cantieri Nautico Albula
Business Contact Info
Via Ugo baistrocchi 94
Fumincino City
West Coast
Contact Details:
Phone: (+) 00393338900776
Alternative Phone: (+) 00393356053197

Location:  41° 46.254 N, 012° 14.481 E (half a mile up stream from the lifting bridge).

  • Tel:+39 3338900776 ( Enrico )
  • Tel:  +39 3356053197 ( Max )

Located on the left side of the river beyond the lifting road bridge (the 2nd bridge, the 1st is a pedestrian bridge), just after the river bends right toward the SE.  Mooring alongside, some rafting may be required.

The office is a grey barge permanently moored at the far end. Power and non-potable water are included. Potable water available. Very basic facilities (no showers, laundry, WiFi or fuel) but the facility is clean, neat and very friendly.

Haul out up to 12 tons and hard standing. Own work permitted. Very reasonable prices. Early booking for winter storage recommended.

Run by Max and Enrico (both speak good English).


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