Arctic, Antartic: The Polar Yacht Guide

A group of experienced high latitude sailors including Andrew Wilkes (author of Arctic and Northern Waters), Alan Green, Victor Wejer and Skip Novak have written the Polar Yacht Guide as a voluntary code of practice for yachts visiting polar regions (November 2020).

The PYG, which is specifically designed for yachts, is in three parts:
(a) Safety of navigation and voyage planning for all polar waters,
(b) Arctic waters and
(c ) Antarctic waters.

The PYG is intended to supplement existing guides and pilot books such as Arctic and Northern Waters and Cape Horn and Antarctic Waters.

The authors and contributors believe it will be more effective than mandatory legislation.

The guide is available free from the Pilotage Foundation website at and will also be made available by World Sailing.

See more details about the PYG at The New Polar Yacht Guide: To Help Maintain Free Sailing in Polar Regions.

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