Arctic, North Atlantic: Arctic and Northern Waters

This handbook from the RCC Pilotage Foundation, covers the Northwest and Northeast Passages through the Arctic Ocean as well as Faroe, Iceland and Greenland. Incorporating information collected on a number of voyages over recent years this work is an impressive resource which brings together experience and background data on a region that is not only in the news but increasingly accessible to cruising yachts.

Arctic and Northern Waters contains detailed background information about sailing in the Arctic, including advice about ice, with helpful photographs of various ice conditions and Arctic phenomena. Arctic and Northern Waters is an invaluable planning guide for adventurous yachtsmen and women. Illustrated with beautiful photographs, and packed with further interesting details about Arctic history, Arctic culture and Arctic wildlife

By RCCPF/Andrew Wilkes
Published by: Imray (2020)

Also see this supplement to the book: Victor Wejer’s Periplus to Northwest Passage (2021)

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  1. July 6, 2021 at 12:58 PM
    nilsum says:

    Imray Store did me a 10% dscount stating it was fair enough no matter what’s written here. So just don’t expect a 15% on the listed price.