Venuezela – Offshore: Cruisers Fend Off Armed Pirates

Two people onboard a catamaran that was under sail and on passage from Los Roques, Venezuela to Grenada, managed to fend off armed pirates at night who came alongside and then attempted to board the vessel.

Published 3 months ago, updated 3 weeks ago

The following report includes the incident report from CSSN as well as a report from a friend of the couple, who issued a Pan Pan call from Grenada on their behalf.


SOURCE: CSSN First Hand Incident Report

DATE: 2024-12-07 05:00

LOCATION: Venezuela – Offshore

EVENT: Piracy


STOLEN ITEMS: Nothing, Not Successful

SECURED: Does Not Apply


A catamaran with 2 persons onboard was under sail on passage from Los Roques, Venezuela to Grenada.

At position 11-27.976N 063-23.585W, approximately 20NM WNW of Los Testigos at 0500HRS, the yacht was approached by a panga with 3-4 men and boarded by 2 armed pirates.

One crew was on watch, but inside the boat when the sound of the approaching panga was heard. Returning to the cockpit she found it was only 10 meters away. She immediately went below to awaken the other crew member who was sleeping and then she returned to the cockpit. The second crew member came on deck through a hatch in the forward sleeping quarters as the 2 masked/hooded men began to board the boat.

The second crew member who was forward was able to intercept the first pirate and force the gun from his hand, disarming him before pushing him off the boat. The gun went into the water. It is unclear if the pirate fell into the water or the panga. He then went aft to aid the other crew member who was engaged with the second pirate who was attacking her with a short club of some sort. Unseen from behind, the second crew member was able to punch the second pirate in the head and neck sending him overboard between the 2 boats.

Contact in Grenada Issues Pan Pan call

The following information was broadcast to the cruiser’s net in Grenada and posted to a Grenada Cruiser’s Facebook page by a friend of the two cruisers who was contacted via WhatsApp.  He was able to issue a Pan Pan call on VHF Channel 16 which resulted in contact from the Grenada and Trinidad & Tobago Coast Guards.

“My friends on SV Supernova were boarded and attacked by pirates near Islas Los Frailes, Venezuela, this morning around 0600 local time.  My friend called me on WhatsApp in a panic and said he fought with boarders and threw them overboard and didn’t know what to do. Other men in a panga appeared to have guns. He and his girlfriend sustained minor injuries in the fight.  I told them to get moving and they were able get their catamaran moving north at over 9kts in heavy seas and the pirates did not continue to pursue.

“Supernova had departed Grand Roque Venezuela after spending 12 days touring the Los Roques Islands in Venezuela, documenting their experiences for their YouTube channel. Using an agent they legally entered, checked in and had visas and permits to be in Venezuela.  Supernova was approx. 200nm east of Grand Roque when the attack took place. After I received the call, I issued a Pan Pan on ch 16 from my vessel anchored in Prickly Bay Grenada.  A charter vessel in St George’s responded as did the airport tower.  The airport tower notified the Grenada Coast Guard who in turn also contacted the Trinidad Coast Guard.

“I provided the Supernova crew with the phone number to call the Grenada Coast Guard who received a report of the incident.  The GCG advised them to set course for Prickly Bay and maintain contact with GCG.  This was a very close call for my friends on Supernova. I cannot imagine the terror they must have felt and the PTSD from which they may need to recover.  They will prepare a report for CSSN as soon as they can.”

Other Recent Incidents:

  • January 2024: An American single-hander was boarded by the Venezuela Coast Guard on entering Venezuela waters and told to turn back. He subsequently lost his boat and ended up in a Venezuelan prison. Read the story here.


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