Venezuela, Offshore: Sailor Injured by Stray Bullet

A solo sailor was slightly injured when a mysterious bullet was fired at his vessel while he was motorsailing offshore between Venezuela and Aruba. In reporting the incident to CSSN, the captain said no vessels could be seen nearby, no further shots were fired and no vessel approached.

Published 4 months ago

SOURCE: CSSN First Hand Incident Report

DATE: 2024-10-10 03:30

LOCATION: Venezuela – Offshore

EVENT: Assault



SECURED: Does Not Apply


A monohull singlehander departed Grenada for Colombia. Unfortunately bad weather and rough conditions led to equipment failures and some injuries (broken ribs). At position 12-09.3N and 069-34.8W, approximately 40 nmiles from Venezuela and 50nmiles from Aruba at 0330HRs the captain was motorsailing with AIS Tx OFF and only the anchor light showing. No other vessels/lights were visible to the yacht.

The captain was injured when a bullet crossed from the port side, into the open cockpit enclosure, passed in front of his face and ricocheted off the cockpit enclosure frame and then grazed his hand. No vessels could be seen nearby, no further shots were fired, and no vessel approached. The captain diverted north to Aruba and contacted port control on arrival. He was met by the Coast Guard, three of them boarded, provided assistance in anchoring and took a report. The normal inspections were made. The captain treated his own injuries and did not require medical assistance.


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