Trinidad, Hibiscus Gas Platform: Attempted Piracy – June 2016
Published 9 years ago, updated 6 years ago
As reported by the Caribbean Safety & Security Net.[Broken Link]
DATE: 2016-06-25
Country Name: Trinidad/Tobago
Location Detail: Trinidad Hibiscus Gas Platform
EVENT: Attempted piracy
Stolen Items: None
In the absence of a firsthand report, CSSN has compiled information from multiple credible second-hand sources, who spoke directly with the involved captain in Trinidad.
A 65 ft. sailing yacht with 3 person on-board on passage to Trinidad encountered what were felt to be probable “pirates” during daylight hours. The yacht’s position was 2-5 miles east of the Hibiscus platform, and its sales would likely have been visible for 10-12 miles.
A pirogue, with 5-6 Spanish speaking men, made multiple rapid approaches to the yacht and began yelling (about fuel). One of the men in the pirogue appeared to have a holstered gun at his waist.
The yacht captain began multiple evasive maneuvers and had a crew “pose” as though they themselves were armed, while visibly appearing to make VHF radio contact with TT Coast Guard, North Post radio and the Hibiscus platform itself. The emergency VHF radio calls were not answered. After about 15 minutes the pirogue gave up the chase and departed to the west.
The yacht continued on to Trinidad.
No float plan had been filed with TTCG; it is unclear if any official reports have been made.
Similar incidents occurred last year in December 2015 – see link below.
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