Trinidad, Chaguaramas: Dinghy Thieves Active in the Bay

Thieves continue to be active in the anchorage at Chaguaramas in Trinidad with CSSN reporting a spate of dinghy thefts as well as incidents of assault and attempted robbery. In the most recent incident an in-the-water but cable locked dinghy was stolen in an overnight theft.

Published 1 year ago

Source:  CSSN

DATE:  2023-09-07 01:00

LOCATION:  Trinidad and Tobago – Trinidad – Chaguaramas – Anchorage

EVENT:  Theft


STOLEN ITEMS:  Avon dinghy (SN AVB14263B19) and 15HP Yamaha engine (SN 1174350)



A yacht arrived in Trinidad and took a mooring near Peakes. Overnight while asleep onboard their in-the-water and cable locked Avon dinghy (SN AVB14263B19) / 15HP Yamaha engine (SN 1174350) was stolen.

Reports were made to the police, Coast Guard and the marina.

CSSN NOTE: recently there have been several dinghy thefts in this bay, as well as incidents of attempted robbery and assault. Dinghy thieves have come prepared with tools, so lifting and securely locking should be considered a best practice.


CSSN NOTE:  If you are a victim, please take five minutes to complete the CSSN online incident report, it’s quick, confidential and keeps our cruising community fully and factually informed.

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