St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Kitts: Thieves Target Catamaran in Night Raid
A catamaran that was moored in Basseterre on the island of St. Kitts in the Caribbean was boarded by thieves while the owners slept onboard and a number of items including cash and a knife were stolen.
Published 3 months ago
SOURCE: CSSN First Hand Incident Report
DATE: 2024-11-24 02:00
LOCATION: Saint Kitts and Nevis – St. Kitts – Basseterre
EVENT: Theft
STOLEN ITEMS: Cash (US/TT/EC) and a knife
SECURED: Not Locked
Crew were sleeping when a thief boarded their unlocked catamaran and entered the port side cabins where they rummaged some of the clothing and found cash and a knife. They also stole life jackets from the dinghy. The crew made a police report after discovering the theft the next morning. The police visited and collected prints from the yacht and some clothing.
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Related to following destinations: Basseterre, St Kitts, St. Kitts & Nevis
Related to the following Cruising Resources: Caribbean, Piracy & Security