Southeast Asia Pilot (5th Edition) – A Noonsite Review

November 2016: This 5th edition of the Southeast Asia Pilot book has been extensively updated and the area covered in the guide substantially expanded. Many new, clear maps have also been added.

Published 8 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Southeast Asia Pilot

by Bill O’Leary & Andy Dowden

Published by Image Asia, Phuket, Thailand (5th Edition 2016)

ISBN 978-616-91830-9-9

This is an essential pilot book for any cruiser planning to explore this region.

It covers from 15° North to 12° South and from 92° to 136° East, encompassing all the main cruising areas: Myanmar’s Mergui Archipelago, Thailand, Malaysia, India’s Andaman Island, Singapore, Sarawak, Borneo, Brunei, Cambodia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, The Philippines, Indonesia and as far as east as West Papua and south to include Darwin in Australia.

It begins with a very useful list of marinas in the area, followed by information on each country and then the various places worth visiting. There are excellent, clear charts of both the overall area and then more detailed ones of each anchorage/marina (including depths).

All the places listed are clearly headed with a selection of symbols indicating facilities available (water, fuel, provisions, restaurants, transport etc.), whether it is a suitable day and/or night anchorage and if it is good for snorkelling or diving. The description of each anchorage gives a useful idea of the type of place and any interesting features, as well as advice on the best spot to anchor. Where there is a marina, it gives details of services available and contacts. Interspersed are some very attractive photographs illustrating the flavour of the area as well as some very useful aerial views.

The relatively few advertisers/sponsorship pages, are relevant and are not intrusive.

This is a very thorough and in-depth pilot book as well as an extremely attractive one. It will be an asset to any cruising boat’s onboard library if a visit to SE Asia is on the cards and gives a useful overview of this extensive cruising ground enabling cruisers to make the most of their time in these beautiful waters.

See the website for more details and how to order.

Val Ellis

The Noonsite Team

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