Puerto Morelos, Yucatan: Expensive for Clearance
Published 12 years ago, updated 6 years ago
Posted June, 2013
Clearing in/out of Puerto Morelos, Mexico
We arrived at El Cid Marina in Puerto Morelos Mexico on May 13, 2013 (we were planning to go to Isla Mujeres but weather prevented that). At the marina, we were boarded by health/agriculture and were asked to pay a “tip” in order not to have our food took (flour, oats, honey, eggs, etc.). Then, the agent (who has an office at the marina) charged $160 US to clear us in – NOT including the $26 per passport for immigration.
We thought the TIP (temporary import permit) was included in the fee but quickly learned it was not and that we had to go to Cancun to get it (the only place on the Caribbean side to get the TIP).
We tried to clear ourselves out, without the use of an agent, but the Port Captain in Puerto Morelos would not give us a zarpe without clearing out with immigration, and immigration would not clear us out before the port captain. MAYBE it would have been possible, but it would not have been easy – or quick. Payment for the zarpe would have to be made at a bank in Playa del Carmen or Cancun(45 min. bus ride). The agent charged $120 for clearing out, which took an additional day because he was busy and couldn’t come until the next day.
The marina rebates some of the agent fees if you stay with them for a week or more, we stayed about a week and received $45 total off the agent fees (not enough to take the sting away).
Obviously, this is a very expensive port for clearance and I would not recommend clearing in or out of Puerto Morelos. Had we known about these fees, we would not have stopped here.
Catherine Duning
SV Tribe (US)
Posted December 2009
Have just been to the town of Porto Morelos in Yucatan. There is now a “no anchor” area between the ferry dock and the town quay to the north. This is offset by there being 5 free yellow mooring buoys 50ft from the end of the town quay.
There is a well-marked channel through the reef into the ferry dock area and the town quay is 1/2 mile north of the quay.
The town is quiet but diving-led tourism is on the increase and seems to be well managed and controlled. Food is safe to eat as many restaurants use “Purified Water” to prepare all items that need to be washed.
This town has not lost its charm and can be enjoyed without many of the hassles of the more developed areas.
Mark Maunder
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