Portrait of a Cruiser: Scott and Kathy Erwin

After 11 years of dreaming and then planning, US sailors Kathy and Scott Erwin started their cruise into retirement in August 2021 when they left their home base in California and headed for the warmer waters of Mexico. They are currently in French Polynesia with a plan to head westward across the Pacific, but admit that it is a plan that is written in the sand at low tide.

Published 1 year ago, updated 6 months ago

Names of Owners (and crew):  Scott and Kathy Erwin

Nationality:  United States

Boat Name:  Sea Bella

Boat Type/Model and Size:  Ted Brewer 44 (44 ft)

Home Port:  Avila Beach, California, USA

Blog: www.svseabella.wordpress.com

How did you start cruising?

The Dream! We knew what we wanted since 2010. We even put it out there so that everyone knew our goals and dreams. After 11 years of planning and saving we launched our life as a full time live aboard couple, headed from California to our first country, Mexico, with the ultimate goal of hopefully circumnavigating the globe.

We bought our Brewer 44 a few years earlier and in 2019 we began exploring California waters on the weekends.  We took off in 2021 and entered the next exciting phase of our life.

Describe what sort of cruisers you are:

Someone once said “Speak it into the world and it will be so”, well it happened!  We don’t care for marinas and avoid them at all costs. Moving from anchorage to anchorage is an adventure, which always includes all the excitement of travel combined with the skills of sailing.

What were the key reasons you selected your current boat?

We researched blue water monohulls for a few years and we knew we wanted a center cockpit with plenty of headspace. Our new home needed to be over 40 feet, since we are used to a bit of space.

What type of cruising are you doing currently?

“Our plans are written in the sand, at low tide”.

In mid March 2023, we set off to the South Pacific and beyond. Our plan is to spend a year in French Polynesia then continue westward, to Fiji, The Cooks, maybe Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, West Coast Africa, Rio, etc. etc…….are all on the list. The Panama Canal is Kathy’s top wish,  but that will be on the way back – probably in a few years.  This is our plan, but let’s see how it changes and develops.

What other boats have you owned?

Whitby 42, Tayana, Kelly Peterson and Hallberg Rassy.

What changes have you made to your current boat?

Our boat was constructed in 1990, so all the electrics needed upgrading. We also removed the furling main for a normal mainsail, added a stainless dingy arch, lithium batteries, master mattress, three solar panels, dive compressor, sails, furlers…and there will be more.

Most useful equipment fitted and reasons for this choice:

Lithium Batteries and 1300 watts of Solar Power. When traveling year-round, in rainy low solar regions, we needed the best in power.

Equipment regrets, or things you would do differently:

As we were all packed and ready to launch from Morro Bay, weather looked good for our journey south, some electrical issues came up. We realized we had to replace all our brand new firefly batteries with lithium. It was a big delay but we are not disappointed.

List the countries you have cruised: West coast America, Mexico, French Polynesia…

Future cruising plans: Next year; Cooks, Tongo, Fiji, Vanuatu, Australia…

List the oceans/seas you have crossed: The Pacific.

Approximate sea miles: 9,000NM.

Scariest day on the water:

In the first week of our adventure, as we headed out at daybreak to round rocky Point Conception, California, the boom vang snapped and the wind died. Worse yet, our engine stopped working! In big, rolling seas, Scott hunkered into the engine room and managed to change the fuel filter and luckily get us underway within the hour.

Best cruising moment:

Crossing the equator on our journey from Mexico to French Polynesia was a highlight. We held a special ceremony at sea, thanked the weather and ocean gods and safely finished our passage in 20 days. Shellbacks we became.

Favourite cruising area and why:

So hard to compare, but we fully enjoyed our months in the Sea of Cortez, Mexico. The rugged and dry terrain was an amazing site to explore and views from the sea. The warm anchorages, fun cruising friends, good fishing, delicious foods, all made for a terrific time on our boat.

Favourite anchorage:

This is a tough one, but in the top ten is V Cove in the Sea of Cortez. However, Tenacatita, Mexico has a magical place in our hearts. We have made and developed so many lifelong friendships there. We learned to surf, had visitors from home, saw and heard the baby humpbacks, and enjoyed many a cerveza at a palapa in the sand.

The raft-up-party is a regular Friday evening occurrence in Tenacatita, Mexico.

Favourite cruising apps:

Predict Wind, Windy, noforeignland, Navionics, Open CPN.

Favourite cruising websites:

Favourite cruising books:

What advice or message would you want to pass on to anyone new to cruising or thinking about casting off the dock lines?

Buy the right boat for your cruising plans and intentions. Plan a year or two of coastal cruising, a few overnights on the boat is a must.

Of the numerous research you do, include connecting with other cruisers ahead of you. Read their blogs, message them with questions, follow their routes, issues and wonders.

Learn various skills; sewing, line splicing, scuba, mechanics, electrical systems, solar cooking and others like music, arts, foreign language…

Why cruise? In a few sentences, what is it that inspires you to keep cruising?

I have always been up for adventure and I read somewhere, that means a journey or series of exciting events. The statement fits extremely well, so that is why we continue cruising.

Scott and Kathy Erwin
SY Sea Bella

Snorkeling in in the Tuomotus, French Polynesia.


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The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of Noonsite.com or World Cruising Club.


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