Panama, Balboa, Las Brisas anchorage: Dinghies and outboards stolen – June 2013

Published 11 years ago, updated 5 years ago

A reminder to all yachts transiting the canal to secure their dinghies.

Three dinghies were stolen overnight at Las Brisas. Their outboards took and two of the dinghies were found washed ashore slashed by knives.

Two of the dinghies were chained and locked, the third had the painter cut with a knife.

The dinghies were all in the water and stolen on the same night from three yachts close together on the North Western end of the Las Brisas anchorage. There were approximately 40 boats in the anchorage at the time.

The thefts have been reported to the Police who are treating the matter seriously.

Jeff Thompson

Yacht Xanadu

(Editor’s Note: for quite some time there have been warnings to yachts anchoring in the Mi Playita and Brisas de Amador anchorages. The southern part of Mi Playita anchorage is a particular problem area as it is very dark here at night (no lights from the shore reach that area). Even close to the Marinas and Canal installation, which to a certain extent are controlled by harbor security, thefts frequently occur!)

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