Mazatlan Cruiser’s Guide

George Krakie and his wife Jackie of M/Y Shamrock, first published the very handy Mazatlan Cruiser’s Guide for the cruising community in 2013, having cruised the area for over five years. They have since had to move back to the USA for health reasons.

Published 8 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Melissa and Michael of Mexicolder Refrigeration in Mazatlan took over the task to keep this guide a current and free resource for cruisers but after Mike passed away in 2019, the guide was taken over by Ray Watson of Mazatlan Yacht Services.

Information in the guide has been gathered over the years and updated on a continual basis to provide useful contacts, addresses, and phone numbers. All services listed are recommended by cruisers who have been happy with the service provided, heard good things, or thought someone else might need the resource.

The guide covers a variety of information including:

  • places to visit the immediate north, south, and east of Mazatlan;
  • a directory of local services helpful to cruisers and locals;
  • translations (English to Spanish) for boat parts and foods;
  • a city bus guide;
  • a chart of chillies found in Mexico and their uses;
  • a listing of local cheeses and their uses;
  • and a lot of other helpful information.

In addition to this guide, the Morning Cruiser’s Net is an excellent source of information. The Net is conducted each morning, Monday through Saturday, at 8:00 AM on VHF Channel 72. Should you need help, someone listening is likely to have useful information or a suggestion as to where and how to resolve your need.

The Mazatlan Cruisers Guide can be downloaded from Mazatlan Yacht Services.

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  1. January 24, 2019 at 10:32 PM
    Lynda Lim says:

    Sadly, Mike Wilson passed away late last year and is no longer able to maintain the Mazatlan Cruiser’s Guide. It has been taken over by Ray Watson of Mazatlan Yacht Sales ( and is downloadable on the home page of his site.