Marine VHF Radio Handbook

This book does not just covering VHF but also other forms of marine communications.

Published 10 years ago, updated 5 years ago

By Laszlo Mercz

Published by Mercator Publishing; 1st edition (1 May 2010)

ISBN-13: 978-9638794901

This book can be purchased via

This useful handbook covers not only VHF and DSC radio, but also other forms of marine communications (SSB radio, AIS, Navtex, EPIRB and Satelite phones (Inmarsat)).

The book is clearly laid out with useful a Q & A section at the end of each chapter to help you check if you correctly understand the subject. The use of clear, colored diagrams and photos all help with getting to grips with the wealth of information contained in the book. It covers every area of communication in a clear and understandable way. Its only limitation is the fact that it was written in 2010 and does not include the many ways the internet is now used while at sea.

Laszlo Mercz is a member of the International Telecommunications Union Working Party and is a long-time maritime telecommunications instructor.

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