Happy Stay at Rupert Bay, Portsmouth, Dominica

Published 15 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Message received 10 June 2009

On June 3rd (2009) we anchored in Prince Rupert Bay on the North end, where we were greeted by one of the boat boys that service the boats that enter the anchorage. He was very polite and professional and offered his services for tours and other things. We said we were looking for Martin (boat name Providence) and he radioed him for us.

(Martin) was recommended to us. And we were very happy with his service and knowledge of the Island, flora and fauna.

We discussed the terrible event that had happened and he told us that they were patrolling at night and assured me that as long as we stayed here north of the Customs dock we would be fine.

It was a pleasant visit there and the Island is one of the most beautiful in the Eastern Caribbean. We will definitely go back. Don’t miss it.

Ray Corriveau

s/v NightHawk

Message received 26 February 2009

We stayed two weeks in Prince Rupert Bay, anchored very close inshore, in front of Purple Turtle Restaurant. All the locals were helpful and professional. Eddie, Raymond (The ravioli lover), Albert and many others looking after the business in the bay were courteous, friendly and trustworthy. We also bought fruit from several of the “underdogs” who paddle their surf skis around the bay and while prices were a bit high, the boys were all helpful and friendly. The organised tours ran on time and were enjoyable and professional.

We felt totally relaxed and happy in the bay and could have easily stayed forever. The “boat boys” have organised their own security-dinghy which patrols the bay at night. Money for maintaining this service (free for the yachts) is raised on the US20 beach BBQ each Sunday. All the land tours and just about all our contacts with the local people inland and in Portsmouth town were positive and pleasant. Some locals went well out of their way to guide and help us. The only “hazard” we encountered was the music from the parties on Wed, Fri, Sat. It is LOUD!

We also stopped in Roseau for two nights and paid for our mooring to the boy who met us. We had no problems with security on land or on water. So far Dominica rates as our top experience in the West Indies.

Lauri G. Strengell

Yacht Aliisa

Cairns, Australia



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