Grenada VHF Cruiser’s Net & Other Comms Information

Published 12 years ago, updated 6 years ago

VHF Ch-16 is the internationally agreed distress and hailing channel.

However, most cruisers anchored or docked in Grenada monitor Ch-68 during the day for routine non-emergency calls. Some monitor Ch-68 overnight for an emergency, medical, security and vessel dragging situations.

Note: All marinas monitor Ch-16, with the exception of Whisper Cove Marina on Ch-68

For cruiser information, just ask your question on channel 68.

The Grenada Cruiser’s VHF net is held at 0730 AST from Monday – Saturday on International duplex Channel 66.

This net uses a powerful new mountaintop repeater situated 2,100 ft above sea level; and so has extended the net’s coverage as far as Carriacou and The Grenadines to the north, and Bocas southward.

Sailors in Port Louis, St David’s or those cruising north to Carriacou or Grenadines might consider scanning both 66 (INT-duplex) and Ch-16 or 68. This will enable you to easily keep in touch with friends at a greater distance than the simplex calling channels 16/68 will allow. The 66 repeater’s projected range is 70 miles, and it was implemented expressly for the extended range for cruiser contacts, not solely for the morning VHF net.

If you wish to call into the Grenada Cruiser’s Net, check that your VHF is set to INTERNATIONAL mode on CH-66 (not 66a.) State your boat name clearly and wait to be recognized. You are also asked to wait for the courtesy tone, which is a beep heard after every transmission; before you key your own microphone and begin to speak.

If you don’t hear the courtesy tone at the end of every transmission, you will not be able to hear all of the announcements on the net.

If you can’t hear all of the net traffic, you are not on the correct channel.

Notes on the US vs International VHF band plan:

“A” or Alpha indicates a simplex channel (send and receive on the same frequency). Many European VHF radios are not equipped with alpha channels. For example, VHF: 66-A can be used for simplex ship-to-ship communications. VHF: 66 International, however, is duplex (send and receive on two different frequencies) and can only be used for ship-to-shore communications.

The confusion arises when North American yachts ask European yachts to meet them on one of the alpha channels without specifically stating they are going to an alpha channel. The result is a very unsatisfactory one-way conversation!

Grenada Cruisers Facebook Group

An informative Facebook Group called “Grenada Cruisers” has now more than 750 members. There you will find plenty of the essential information that cruisers in Grenada need to know. As it is an open group, the contents are readable by anyone, but for the maximum benefit, we would encourage interested cruisers to join.

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