France, Brest: Cruisers Report Unsettling Incidents at Marina

Cruisers who stayed at the Chateau Marina in Brest on France’s Atlantic coast in late May, reported to Noonsite that they had two very unsettling nights and a suspicious incident which they believe were from fishermen on an adjacent mole.

Published 4 months ago

Date:  24 – 26 May

Location:  Chateau Marina, Brest – France.

Hand:  1 – As reported to Noonsite by John Hodgson


We were allocated a berth on the long visitors pontoon immediately to starboard hand on entry. For two nights we suffered noise all night from the anglers / fishermen on the adjacent mole.

On the last night my wife was woken by noise on the boat and woke to find one of them on the boat trying to open the cockpit canopy. He showed her he had a fishing weight in his hand- whether as a threat or to show the opposite, ie that he meant her no harm, I’m not sure.

We did not feel secure so called the police who sent a car but we did not get to speak to them although had no further trouble, perhaps as the troublemakers had seen the blue light.

After the intruder incident we were able to move across to the visitors pontoon away from the mole and due to bad weather spent another two days there in peace.

The marina did show concern and assured us that security would be given more attention and we did observe a security guard doing the rounds on two nights and on at least one occasion speaking to anglers to get them to stop casting lines from the mole into the marina in gaps between yachts.

John and Sally Hodgson
SY Duet


The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of or World Cruising Club.

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