Fees Update

Published 13 years ago, updated 6 years ago

I know one of the questions a lot of cruisers have when traveling to Palau is about fees. There are different fees charged depending on whether or not you are a registered US boat or non-US registered.

Below is a list of the fees that we have been charged for a 38-foot cruising boat. Sometimes the length and weight of a yacht determine charges and at other times not.

Please note the following information is relevant for non-U.S. registered vessels and crew. Some charges apply to American boats and crews.

These are charges that our boat, Sage 11, a 38-foot boat encountered whilst clearing into Palau and over a 2-month stay.

On clearing in (these charges are for all boats clearing in):

$50 for immigration (regardless of how many are on board)

$50 for customs

$20 for Port of Koror – these are line handling fees charged on the base of the length of the vessel

$0.24 for the State of Koror (this figure is based on tonnage)

After 30 days – renewal of visas/permits

$50/person/month for immigration – maximum allowable time for non-US registered vessels is 3 months

$50/vessel/month – again 3-month maximum

Additional charges

(note: these charges are about to increase on June 1st, 2012)

$50/vessel/state (there are 16 states in Palau)/month cruising permit – most people only cruise in Koror so only one permit is needed. I do not have the charges for states other than Koror

$25/person/10 days for entry into the Rock Islands management area

$10/person/trip to Jellyfish Lake

$25/person fishing license

On departure:

$35/vessel departure/green tax

Tony Gibb

Onboard Sage – Yacht in transit

Victoria BC

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