Canaries:The ARC Forest Grows

Published 12 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Another 200 trees have just been planted in the ARC Forest on a hillside above the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Fifty-five ARC sailors spent the morning away from their boats, and instead of preparing to cross the Atlantic, they dug holes and planted trees.  The volunteers came from six countries and included 9 children aged from 3 years.

ARC Forest Project

This is the third year of tree planting, and the new forest already covers an appreciable area of a mountainside in the Doramas region.  Donations ensure that local charity Fundacion Foresta is able to care for the saplings for the next 10 years, by which time they will be mature and home to a wide range of wildlife.

The ARC Forest is part of a wider initiative by Fundacion Foresta to establish woodland corridors, linking the few remaining areas of native forest.  This will enhance biodiversity, protect native species, reduce soil erosion and flooding, and become a natural resource for islanders and tourists.

Carbon Offset

All ARC sailors are encouraged to consider their impact on the environment.  Recycling is supported, and waste disposal at sea discouraged.  Boat owners can offset the carbon value of their fuel tanks, and funds raised support the forest projects in Gran Canaria and Saint Lucia.

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