Australia Clearing in and Hobart Info

Published 14 years ago, updated 6 years ago

At this moment our Dutch boat SV Mylady is moored on a mooring at the yacht club of Cygnet in SW Tasmania. We have a wonderful time there.

In October 2008 we entered Australia for the first time and stayed there for 10 months. In December 2009 we came back again.

Currently, we are not on board but earning some more freedom chips and in September we will return to our boat again. Today I checked the info. about Oz on noonsite and I have noticed the following:

Noonsite says

At the port of entry, clearance is done by Customs, Immigration, and Quarantine(AQIS). They require a list of ship’s stores, dutiable items, crew, and any animals on board as well as the previous port clearance.

SV Mylady

The first time we (entered Australia, we) checked in at Coffs Harbour. While in Port Vila in Vanuatu, I downloaded all the entry forms and had them filled out before we arrived. This was a great help and besides the official papers, we did not have to give them any lists or whatever.

The second time we checked in at Beauty Point on the Tamar River in northern Tasmania. The officials came from Launceston. Also there, only the official papers were needed, no other lists.

Noonsite says

Customs require the itinerary that the yacht proposes to follow while in Australia. Yachts are supposed to keep customs informed of their whereabouts and to notify the nearest customs office if they change their itinerary.

SV Mylady

We also did not have to give any itinerary, but you have to tell the customs who give you your cruising permit what your intentions are. The best is that you tell them that you are intending to sail all along the complete coast, then you get a good permit. This time we got a permit only for Tasmania because we told them that we only wanted to sail to Tassy this time. So if we had changed our plans we first would have had to obtain another cruising permit.

Noonsite says

The permit enables foreign yachts to cruise freely between their port of entry and exit and allows them to visit ports and places besides the official ports of entry.

SV Mylady

Yes, that is true, but you have to report where you are every 3 months. You can do this to the same email address where you send your 96 hr notice. BUT, in every custom port, you enter in the meantime, you have to report to the local customs. They will ask you where you came from, how long you will stay and where you are going.

In August 2009 when we left from Coffs Hbr, we were told that we were welcome to come back because our reporting record was perfect. So they keep a record of your reporting behavior and if you don’t do it there are penalties.

Noonsite says

Hobart Docking: Constitution Dock in the centre of town, or call Hobart Port Control on VHF Ch. 12 or 16.

SV Mylady

Yes, we also thought to go to Constitution dock BUT the rules have changed a lot. When you want to go there you have to indeed call Hobart port control. Then they advise you to moor in front of the bridge in order to do the paperwork first before you enter the dock. (We never went there but heard this from a fellow cruiser who we met while he was moored in the dock).

For his 35 ft boat, he had to pay $ aus 180,00 for one week. This is the minimum fee. Paying per day or part of a week is not possible. So if it is blowing like hell when your week is finished and you can not go out, you have to pay for another week.

PLUS the port authorities do not like liveaboards anymore moored at the dock.

A MUCH BETTER ALTERNATIVE is to go to either the Derwent Sailing Club or the R.Y.C.T. (Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania). At the latter, we had a mooring for $ aus 35, 00 a week and it was only a short walk to downtown Hobart. Or you can catch a bus to town.

Within walking distance of the club are 2 big supermarkets and the club has a fuel berth as well. There were 3 boatswains and they are very very helpful. Although we were on a mooring we could make use of all the marina facilities. During the main season, the price of a mooring goes up to $ aus 50, 00 per week. To go in the marina would have cost us (our boat is 34 foot) $ aus 50,00 per day.

It is difficult to get the R.Y.C.T. on the VHF although they have a VHF standby on 16. Best is to give them a call.

Eelco Fransen

SV Mylady

(Note from Editor: For every country, noonsite publishes the official regulations as provided by the customs and immigration authorities. These can often vary in reality, in particular port to port.)

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