Australia, Brisbane, Garden Point Moorings: Dinghy Thefts – May 2012
Several dinghy’s stolen from the Garden Point Moorings adjacent to downtown Brisbane in 2011.
Published 13 years ago, updated 6 years ago
We have been moored at the Garden Point Moorings adjacent to downtown Brisbane since December 2011. In that time about 5 dinghies have been stolen from the dinghy dock, 3 in the past 2 weeks, including our own dinghy.
Cruisers should lock their dinghies when using the dinghy dock here. Some are taken by drunken joyriders and are eventually found, some are taken by organized thieves according to the local marine police.
Evan Gatehouse & Diane Selkirk
SV Ceilydh
Related to following destinations: Australia, Brisbane, Queensland
Related to the following Cruising Resources: Piracy & Security