Turks & Caicos - Documents

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Necessary Documents for Turks and Caicos

Pre-registration on SailClear, where you will need to provide:

  • the name of your vessel
  • the vessel’s registration number and country of registration
  • your intended first port of arrival
  • your estimated arrival time
  • your intended departure date
  • the details of persons on board including name, date of birth, nationality and passport number
  • if you have any animals, firearms or dutiable goods on board

When conducting clearance duties with the authorities, it is recommended to have both the originals and copies of each of the following:

  • The original of your vessel documentation — with the current stamp — or state registration.
  • Passports for the entire crew with a minimum of six months validity.
  • Crew List.

Cruising Permit

A cruising permit is required if you intend to stay in Turks and Caicos for more than seven days. Cruising Permits are obtained from Customs and Immigration (form C113). See Fees for more information.

No more than two 90 day cruising permits will be issued in one calendar year. See Customs for more information.




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Next Section: Formalities: Fees

Turks & Caicos was last updated 3 months ago.

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  1. May 25, 2024 at 6:21 PM
    Jon Kenny says:

    Check your ENTIRE boat ,luggage for firearms & ammunition, if caught with either penalties are severe 12 years in jail

  2. March 19, 2024 at 1:57 PM
    Christopher Hofman says:

    any more recent checkin comments

    1. March 19, 2024 at 7:18 PM
      profile photo
      Sue Richards says:

      Hi Christopher, there doesn’t look to be any recent comments posted by cruisers visiting T&C, but our formalities info. was updated this time last year. I have just got in touch with the authorities there to check for any changes in procedures and fees and will advise when I get a reply. I’ve not heard of anything in the last 12 months, so it’s likely all is still the same – see https://www.noonsite.com/place/turks-caicos/view/clearance/.

  3. April 1, 2019 at 8:48 AM
    Lynda Lim says:

    Just a quick update on clearing in at Sapodilla Bay. The customs office at the South Dock is not accessible by boat or dinghy as it is located in a working dockyard. You can however beach your dinghy at the access path between resort properties and walk to the main road and take a right and a right again to get to the yard. You will be given hardhat and vest and directed to office. Clearance was very easy otherwise. Note that the office does not have any idea what Sailclear is at this point, nor do they take credit cards. Optionally, they suggested that it may be easier for cruisers to head to South Side Marina to check in and then find anchorage once cleared. Sapodilla Bay is not within walking distance to any amenities or services but the holding was good in 10 feet of water with protection from North and East.