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Tanzania - Clearance

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Tanzania Pre-Arrival Procedures for Yacht Crew

This only applies if heading to Zanzibar – where there is now a mandatory in-bound travel insurance, which must be purchased online, prior to arrival. See Immigration for more details.

Tanzania Arrival Procedures for Yachts

Ports of Entry

Officials in most ports are not accustomed to visiting yachts hence the formalities can take a while. Authorities may insist on searching the boat. Expect the process to take at least 4-5 hours. One exception is Tanga on the east coast, which is very welcoming to visiting yachts.

Most marinas and yacht clubs instruct first-time visitors to check in at the port, prior to proceeding to a marina.

General Procedure


Customs will want to have a copy of the ship’s papers (take the original as well), a crew list, a list of equipment and goods on board and your last port clearance.

In order to move around in East Africa from port to port and between member states of East Africa, you need to move with a Transhire document.

Officially, Customs should issue visiting yachts with a Transhire, if you plan to cruise the Tanzania coast and/or depart for another member state such as Kenya. See Documents for details.

However, Customs tend to only stamp your arrival document and issue a Transhire upon departure. If is best to make a number of copies or photos, so that you can verify your recent track history.

You will need to hand in the departure Transhire on arrival in Kenya if that is your next port.


For Immigration, you will need a passport valid for the duration of stay.

Visas can be obtained from Immigration on arrival, or in advance. See Immigration for more details.

If you have already cleared into Tanzania, checking in with Immigration is not required, though proof of check-in may be requested.

Tanzania Departure Procedures for Yachts

Customs will issue a Transhire upon departure.

You will need to hand in the departure Transhire on arrival in Kenya if that is your next port.

Due to concerns over a multi-country outbreak of Cholera in Indian Ocean countries, Madagascar has closed to foreign yachts coming from Tanzania until further notice.

Tanzania Reports and Information from Cruisers

Read the latest cruising reports for Tanzania.


Last updated:  November 2024

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Tanzania was last updated 6 days ago.

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  1. September 7, 2023 at 12:37 PM
    Kim Seeley says:

    KILWA – Anchor near the port as this is manned by the navy and there are always people watching or on watch. Hoist your dinghy every night. Outboards (a.k.a. machines) are very nickable. The tour to the unesco world heritage site at Kilwa Island is very worth doing – go to the TAWA office and get a permit and they will arrange a guide.

  2. March 10, 2022 at 11:36 AM
    profile photo
    sue-richards says:

    A skipper has reported that the SE anchorage has no sand left due to local floodrain. Apply extreme
    caution and rely on visual navigation.