Subantarctic & Southern Ocean Islands - Facts

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These islands lie north of 60°S and the Antarctic Treaty Area, so are administered by their respective governments. Most are uninhabited and often have pristine environments unspoilt by human contact. To preserve this, visits are restricted or prohibited. Yachts should exercise strict precautions to avoid introducing non-native animals (e.g. rats) or pests, which has already occurred in some places much to the detriment of the indigenous flora and fauna. It is best to follow guidelines as those for the Antarctic.

Yachts Planning to Visit Antarctica:

Any U.K. yachts planning to visit Antarctica can apply to the U.K. Foreign Office. Yachts with at least one British national on board are also able to apply. This can also be done even if the yacht is not U.K. flagged. See for more information as well as useful data about sailing in Antarctica. The forms are now tailored to expeditions by smaller yachts.

Last updated:  July 2018.

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Subantarctic & Southern Ocean Islands was last updated 12 years ago.

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