Japan - Yachting Essentials

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Japan Yachting Essentials

This useful report by SV  Migration (Notes on Cruising Japan), who cruised Japan for over a year 2016-17, covers tips for all the essential yachting services required by visiting yachts.


Voltage: 100 V / Frequency: 50/60 Hz.


Potable water is available everywhere.


Most (but not all) marinas have fuel docks, but their prices are high. When moored in commercial and fishing ports, cruisers can usually get a local gas station to send a small tanker truck to the dock; payment is cash only, but there is no fee for the delivery. Be aware that they will always be on time!

If in urgent need of fuel, it is sometimes possible to ask for fuel at the local Fishing Co-operative (every Co-op has a fueling facility for its members, but they are occasionally willing to sell to non-members).

Many service stations won’t fill plastic fuel jugs, so you may have to try several before you can find one to fill yours.

For details on duty-free fuel, see the Customs section.


Unfortunately, it is now almost impossible to get foreign LPG tanks filled in Japan. Foreign cruisers should arrive in Japan with their LPG tanks as full as possible and perhaps with 1-2 spare, full tanks.

Buying a Japanese LPG tank is an option, although some gas companies will only refill their own tanks. A useful backup is to buy a one-burner “hotplate” that uses small propane “cassette” bottles, which can easily be found.

Getting work Done

Repair facilities are generally good and there are boatyards in most ports. Prices for haul-outs vary greatly but appear to be more reasonable away from the large cities. It is best to approach the local yacht club for advice if in need of a repair job or if one cannot find something.

Short-term (less than one year) shore storage is not permitted by the majority of marinas/yards in Japan. The main reason is that boats are stored on land using cradles, not stands, mainly for earthquake reasons, and people who store their boats on land own or lease their own cradles. Marinas will have a few spare cradles to be used when doing boat repairs/maintenance, but they won’t let a visiting boat use them.

Marine Supplies

There are almost no marine supply stores in Japan, but some marinas do have a small “chandlery” that can order almost anything and get it within 1-3 days (if available in Japan). The chandlery at Odo Yacht Harbor in Fukuoka is well stocked and reported to be helpful. If you can’t find a local chandlery, ask the marina office for help.

Discount online marine supply stores may often work out cheaper than local suppliers for the same equipment, even considering the shipping cost.

Ironically, Japanese electronic equipment can cost more in Japan than abroad, particularly compared to the USA.

Mooring in General

Visiting yachts typically moor in fishing ports (almost always free), at marinas (of which there about 120 that accept visitors), Umi-no-Eki marinas (“sea stations” – 50 mini-marinas run by local governments), and “Fisherinas” (small marinas operated by fishing co-ops, of which there are about 20 that can handle cruising sailboats).

Mooring in Japan is very cheap: fishing ports are free; sea stations are cheap/free; random docks are cheap/free; marinas are reasonable (generally cheaper than marinas in developed countries).

Marinas: There are excellent marinas throughout Japan and generally the bigger the city the better the marina (with prices to match). Osaka Bay has several marinas, the most convenient is in the port of  Osaka itself, but there may not be space available. The marina at Wakayama on the east coast, just south of the entrance to the bay, has very good facilities and is linked by train to Osaka and beyond. There is known to be at least one large marina for visitors in the Tokyo area as well as several small ones around the Miura Peninsula, and, at the opposite end of the country, several marinas have now been built in Nagasaki, Yokohama, Sasebo, and Fukuoka. Japanese marinas are priced on a par with marinas in other developed countries and are more expensive in/near the larger cities (Osaka, Nagoya, and Tokyo/Yokohama).

Umi-no-Eki Marinas: The Umi no Eki (Sea Station) network of moorage options have a useful website that lists most marinas that accept visitors, along with a lot of “mini marinas” run by local governments and fishing co-ops. See http://www.umi-eki.jp/en/


  • Japanese marinas are priced on a par with marinas in other developed countries and are more expensive in/near the larger cities (Osaka, Nagoya, and Tokyo/Yokohama).
  • Ports/marinas almost never have VHF radios so it is impossible to hail them on Channel 16.
  • Most marinas do close for one day a week, although the day can vary.
  • Most of the tie-ups are to a harbor wall and free. Large fenders are strongly advised.


In general, visiting yachts rarely anchor in Japan (except in the southern islands and a few places in the Seto Inland Sea). Why? Because:

  • Most protected bays are well-developed harbors, and anchoring inside official harbor limits is prohibited.
  • Most other protected bays are occupied by aquaculture operations.
  • There are no “dinghy docks,” so it can be hard to find a good place to leave one’s tender when going ashore.
  • What makes Japan a special cruising destination are the people and all the other things on land, so by anchoring one misses them all.

To anchor safely in Japan, follow these guidelines:

  • Do not anchor inside harbor limits as this is illegal (limits are marked on charts, these often extend far beyond the harbor itself);
  • Do not anchor near the entrance to a port because of the risk of being hit by a passing boat;
  • Turn on lots of lights (as they say, “like a Christmas tree”);
  • Do not anchor near extensive aquaculture operations, because there’s a good chance that the concrete blocks, cables, etc. of old aquaculture operations are still there, waiting to snag an anchor;
  • Rig a trip line in case one snags one’s anchor.


Day-sailing is recommended along the Japanese coastlines due to the very high concentration of shipping and the innumerable fishing boats, nets and aquaculture projects. Along the Hokkaido coast, a hazard is the salmon nets, up to 1000 m long and lying very close to the surface.


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Japan was last updated 1 month ago.

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  1. September 6, 2024 at 10:37 AM
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    Sue Richards says:

    Two rallies have been launched for exploring Japan in 2025. The Japan Yacht Rally (JYR) running mid-March to June, takes cruisers from the south to the north of Japan, positioning them to continue on to Alaska and beyond (one slot available however a waiting list will be maintained). The Setouchi Yacht Rally (SYR) brings Japanese and foreign cruisers together to explore the beautiful Seto Inland Sea, tentatively taking place most of May with complete information available by the end of September. Maximum of 8 boats accepted, a priority list is being maintained. A 6-month Around Japan Rally (circumnavigation) is planned for 2026, with already one boat on the priority list. Find out more at https://www.konpira-consulting.com/rallies/index.html

  2. August 4, 2023 at 12:45 AM
    Rob Hurlow says:

    We have just finished a second cruising season in Japan, having taken CAPAZ from Fukuoka up the west coast to Otaru Marina, in Hokkaido adjacent to Sapporo.

    We were able to harbor hop the entire way with no overnight passages. In May the weather and wind conditions were mostly fine as the southern monsoon winds had started. We found the small harbors and towns very welcoming. Most of the tie ups are to a harbor wall and free. Large fenders are strongly advised.

    We were able to leave our boat in Fukuoka between cruising seasons under the excellent care of Kirk Patterson, Konpira consulting. He also was a great help in obtaining services, repairs, haul outs, and dealing with local coast guard and customs officials. We were able to get the equivalent of a Japanese cruising permit and were not required to check in to any ports along the way.

    Otaru Marina in Hokkaido is a wonderful marina. We are leaving CAPAZ there for another off season. The marina manager, Akira Kadano, was able to help us winterize the boat and source a local boat guy to watch over us, also has helped us with repairs. A good yard and haulout option is there for boats under 20 US tons.

    Overall crusing in Japan has been a delight. We have been met with wonderfully kind and curious local people, love the food and affordable prices.

    1. August 4, 2023 at 4:31 PM
      profile photo
      Sue Richards says:

      Rob, thanks for this great feedback on cruising Japan. I suspect more and more boats are going to start heading that way now the officialdom has become alot simpler. If you have a blog about your time in Japan, or similar, please do let us know and we’ll add it to our Japan Links section.

  3. July 25, 2022 at 1:17 PM
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    sue-richards says:

    Update from Kirk Patterson of Konpira Consulting, Japan: Japan has just entered a seventh Covid surge, setting a new record in infections since the pandemic started (but fortunately not in hospitalizations or deaths). So far, the national and local governments are not re-imposing any restrictions on activities/movement, but they have postponed the start of a campaign to promote domestic tourism. I had previously thought that Japan might open up to foreign visitors in September, but I think this latest surge makes that unlikely (especially as Japan has been carefully monitoring NZ’s experience of a major surge in infections after it ended its long, strict border restrictions). There are some rumors of an October 1 opening, but I think it will probably be late fall or even January 1. All of which makes it hard for the many cruisers trying to make yes/no decisions on whether to prepare for entering Japan next spring (the normal time to arrive in Japan).

  4. June 24, 2022 at 9:46 AM
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    sue-richards says:

    The announcement that Japan was opening to all foreign tourists from 1 June led to a great deal of misunderstanding: it does in fact only apply to tightly scheduled tour groups with guides. The number of tourists that can enter Japan each month is capped and maritime borders for yachts are still very much closed. Kirk Patterson of Konpira Consulting Japan told Noonsite; “A national election is scheduled for late July, so it is unlikely that any major opening will be announced before then. September is the earliest likely date that cruisers would be able to enter Japan, however there is still a great deal of uncertainty about what visas will be avail-able. In any case, April-June is the time for foreign cruisers to enter Japan so a September opening is too late for cruisers to come to Japan in 2022.” He adds “I do know, though, that a lot of foreign cruisers are wanting to come to Japan. Compared to 20-30 boats in a typical pre-pandemic year, I’ve got a “possible client” list for 2023-2024 of about 30 boats….and that’s just people who have contacted me, so I would guess that the total number of boats seriously con-sidering coming to Japan as soon as it opens is well over a hundred.”

  5. April 23, 2020 at 6:40 AM
    maximum says:

    Hello ? everyone I am an Argentinian living in japan for a while now in Tokyo ! and getting interested in Buying a boat sailing and using the boat as House !
    Can someone advise me place to find cheap used boats for buying ! Websites , suggestions, how to save in getting the license for sailing ! Any public institution? For practicing and taking exam ? Any advise is welcome.
    Messenger Maximiliano Paradiso
    What’s app +5491164166669

    1. April 24, 2020 at 7:38 AM
      kirk says:

      Hi, Maxim…I am a Canadian who has cruised Japan for six years (and lived here for a total of 32 years, 25 in Tokyo). I currently operate a marine-tourism company (see Konpira Consulting ad). For what you want to do, the best way to start is to join the Tokyo Sail and Power Squadron…https://tspsjapan.org; the membership chairman is John Marshall — trelving@gol.com. TSPS is a group of foreign sailors n Japan, mainly the Tokyo area. Through them you can learn how to prepare for the Japanese boat-license exam and take it in English, can sail on other members’ boats, and get ideas on how to search for a boat (there are several websites for buying/selling boats, but they are all in Japanese). You can’t technically make a boat your official, registered residence, but you can use it as a floating cottage! To moor a boat within commuting distance of Tokyo, though, is very expensive (some TSPS members actually moor their boats in the Seto Inland Sea and fly there 1-2 times a month for some weekend sailing…cheaper than keeping the boat near Tokyo). Anyway, I recommend that you join TSPS and then take it from there. Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions — kirk@konpira-consulting.com. Good luck!

    2. May 11, 2020 at 6:29 PM
      maximum says:

      Hey ? Kirk
      Captain Kirk maybe !? ?
      Thank you ? for the info ! I will do that ! Is ok with the Japanese websites I have Automatic translation, if you can give me some of them I really appreciate!

      Keep in touch

  6. August 15, 2019 at 8:08 AM
    toddst says:

    I just concluded a passage from Portland, OR to Yokohama, Japan, spending about a month moving from a Wakkanai, Hokkaido landfall to Yokohama Bayside Marina where I left my 60’ s/v Elcano.
    I had the excellent assistance of Kirk Patterson of Konpira Consulting for the month I spent in Japan and recommend him most enthusiastically for help understanding and navigating through the complexities of Japan. He knows boats having circumnavigated Japan solo and made numerous offshore passages; he knows Japan and the considerable Japanese marine bureaucracy having lived there for decades; he is fluent in Japanese and he is well known in the marinas and sailing communities around Japan. In addition, he is a valuable source of local weather forecasts, local charts and fishing gear hazards, which are ubiquitous, and the specifics of where to find moorage in ports.
    Kirk can be reached at kirk.konpira@yahoo.com

    Todd S Thompson
    s/v Elcano

    1. December 28, 2019 at 6:45 AM
      malos says:

      What were the procedures for leaving? Anything special or notice required?

  7. March 13, 2019 at 6:10 AM
    Lynda Lim says:

    Mar 13, 2019 06:10 AM

    Upon arrival in Okinawa from Tahiti (French Polynesia), we were instructed by the Japan Coast Guard (+81(0)98-951-0120) to clear in at Naha harbor. Best to communicate via email (they reply quickly – using on-line translator): jcgbnahakq3-8f5m@mlit.go.jp

    You can easily get the “pre-arrival procedure form” (to mail to JCG prior to landing) with a simple web engine search. The pre-arrival procedure form is rather long, detailed, and clearly designed for large vessels, thus no worries if you can’t fill in all boxes.

    In your mail to JCG, ask them to arrange landing location with the Naha port authority (+81(0)98-862-2328) as they don’t speak English either.

    Our landing position at Naha commercial harbor:
    Quay 5 – N26°12’34 E127°40’22

    Fee: approx. 300 Yen/night (based on tonnage – 5 tons)

    Customs office at Naha Port: oki-9a-k-sokatsu@customs.go.jp / +81(0)98-862-8529

    All Customs procedures are explained and relevant forms available at:

    For tax-free fuel, you need Customs form C2160 – “Declaration of loading of [your] ship’s stores of domestic goods [i.e. Japanese gas!]”

    Sailing boats can’t stay in Naha commercial port. Shortly after completing all entry formalities, you will be asked to move to Ginowan marina (West coast) or Yonabaru marina (East coast).

    We moved to Itoman fishing port “Fisherina”, where we stayed 1 week at a floating pontoon. The Fisherina office is closed on Wednesday. No English spoken but friendly and helpful staff with whom we could ‘easily’ communicate through real-time voice translation app.
    Mooring coordinates: N26°07’43 E127°39’04

    Tariffs: 1500 Yen/night (based on boat length – our boat is 35′ feet long)
    Gasoil/Diesel: delivery by truck at the pontoon upon request (provider called by Fisherina office)
    Fresh water at the pontoon: 50 Yen/hour (long hose available upon request at the office)
    Facilities: WC, showers (hot water – 200 Yen/shower), beverages (vending machines)

    No Internet / WIFI but if needed, possibility to get connected at the Fisherina office
    Free public WIFI networks widely available in Okinawa (e.g. BeOkinawa, NahaCity, etc.)

  8. August 30, 2015 at 11:13 PM
    Data Entry5 says:

    A useful website to get the contacts of the various marinas where you can stop in Japan is http://www.umi-eki.jp (English version available). They do not all speak English on the phone though…

  9. February 9, 2015 at 12:28 AM
    Data Entry5 says:

    Regarding notice of arrival to Japan Coast Guard: The email addresses for the Ogasawara Coast Guard Station in Chichi Jima is jcg3ogasawara-9q3p@mlit.go.jp and for Kawayama Coast Guard on Honshu is jcg5wakayamakotsu2-7g2d@mlit.go.jp.