Israel - Security
ALERT: The large-scale conflict happening in areas of southern Israel close to the border with Gaza means the Israeli government has declared a state of emergency across the whole country. International borders (air and land) in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs) could close at short notice.
The FCO and other organisations advise against all travel to many areas in Israel. Generally, this is close to the border with Gaza, east of Route 98 along the Syrian border and within 500m of the border with Lebanon (the ‘Blue Line’) east of Metula. See the FCO website for details.
Other than the above-mentioned areas of the country, during normal times Israel is overall safe to travel to with considerably low crime rates (other than the odd pickpocket). However, it is advised that you remain vigilant at all times, especially on public transport since Palestinian terrorist groups have been known to target buses and bus-stops.
Be sure to check the FCO website for the latest security information.
Last updated: October 2023
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Herzliya Marina is an excellent port of call when visiting Israel. It is a port of entry and has a range of services at the marina and nearby (restaurants, hotels, marine facilities, etc). Guest dock facilities are the best of all the marinas in Israel. Easy transportation to the tourist sites in Jerusalem, etc.
Tel-Aviv marina is no longer port of entry for several years now. Visitors need to enter through Herzliya marina, about 6NM to the north of Tel-Aviv marina.
Posted on behalf of SY Tamarisk:
Eilat, Israel – entry should be arranged in advance otherwise yachts will be stopped by Israeli Navy at the border and possibly denied entry. Expect strong northerly winds the whole way up the gulf if Aqaba even on grid forecasts with light winds, it is a major funnel effect because of the high mountains on both sides.
Fact section, public transport: On Saturdays and Religious holidays there is a taxi service available. No buses/trains.