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El Salvador - Pets

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Arriving in El Salvador with a Pet onboard

There is no inspection of pet health certificates for animals arriving by recreational boat however, it is best to keep everything up-to-date because other ports-of-call may require inspection.

If arriving by land or air:

Dogs and cats traveling to El Salvador must have an import permit issued by the General Director of Plant and Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of El Salvador. The import permit can be obtained either prior to travel or at the moment of its arrival at the port of entry.

  • The accompanying health certificate, issued from last country visited, should be made out at least in duplicate.
  • The rabies vaccination certificate should accompany the health documents.
  • Personal pet dogs and cats must obtain a quarantine permit at the port of entry upon arrival in El Salvador.

Last updated:  July 2024

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El Salvador was last updated 5 months ago.

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  1. March 6, 2020 at 11:48 AM
    rob-murray says:

    Marina Barrillas is now closed as a port of entry.