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El Salvador - Customs

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Customs Rules for Yachts Arriving/Departing El Salvador

There are no customs requirements for recreational boats arriving in El Salvador and boats are not inspected by officials. However, customs and agricultural rules are enforced at the airport.

Importing Parts/Spares:

The post office in Zacatecoluca allows you to order parts and receive mail. The usual length is three weeks, although it can go up to six weeks. The US Postal Service offers a more convenient method for shipping parts compared to DHL or UPS. To pick up your package at the post office, you will need your passport and possibly pay a small fee.

Address your packages to:

Recipient name as it appears on passport
Boat Name
C/O Hotel Bahia del Sol
Boulevard Costa del Sol, Kilometro 78
San Luis La Herradura, La Paz
El Salvador, Central America

Note: You can have someone from the hotel call the post office to check if you have a package.

Useful link:

General Customs Directorate Of The Republic Of El Salvador

Last updated:  July 2024

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El Salvador was last updated 5 months ago.

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  1. March 6, 2020 at 11:48 AM
    rob-murray says:

    Marina Barrillas is now closed as a port of entry.