From October to April the SE trades prevail. The summer, mid-November to mid-February, is when winds tend to be lighter and the seas calmer. May to September are the rainier and colder months when westerlies predominate. The island falls outside the cyclone belt. The climate is subtropical, with an average temperature of 20C (15C-27C) and the mean humidity is 77%. The coolest months are July and August. The month averaging the highest average rainfall is May.

Weather reports are available three times a day by listening or calling the port captain’s office on VHF Channel 16 (Spanish, French & English spoken). Wind changes will be announced so you can move your boat to a safe side of the island in time.

Easter Island Weather Forecast

A useful guide to South Pacific weather resources complied by a Noonsite contributor, Rory Garland.

MetBob publishes a weekly sailing weather blog for the South Pacific.

The Port Captain can be contacted on VHF Channel 16 (Pascua Radio) to make sure no swell advisories are present.

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Easter Island was last updated 7 months ago.

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  1. June 14, 2024 at 7:18 AM
    Frank Holden says:

    I am currently researching a visit to Rapa Nui in 2025 – by air.
    There are no flights from Tahiti as stated on the ‘facts’ page but there are daily LATAM flights from Santiago.
    Let us never forget – nothing goes to windward like a 787!

  2. April 18, 2024 at 6:52 AM
    Bruce Balan & Alene D. Rice says:

    Rapa Nui Anchoring Guide available at

  3. April 16, 2024 at 7:48 PM
    mlaskow says:

    Entry was easy, all officers like immigration, Armada etc. came aboard. It was done efficiently and quick
    Easter Island/Rapa Nui is a bucket list item. I did a tour and it was amazing. Worth our 3 week sail passage from Panama!
    Anchoring is a problem and anchorage should be changed according to prevailing wind diection.
    Contact Armada on VHF 16 or WhatsApp +56 9 8823 0089 to inform about anchorage change.
    There are a few grocery stores at Hnaga Roa town with Henua Market,Sebastián Englert s/n, 2770000 Hanga Roa, Isla de Pascua, being the most modern and best stocked. Theyre’re produces stalls on different streets. Just walk around to find it.
    If you want an island tour, get your tickets on-line at and get a required guide. I used Nicolás Yancovic Pakarati at whatsApp +56 9 9832 3876. He was able to pick us up at Hanga Hotuiti anchorage with his car and gave us 4 hrs private tour. I found it the easiest way to organize that. There are other tour operators here and they can be found on-line.
    As for bunkering, it is an issue. One has to get ashore get to a gas station with jerrycans and lug them back to one’s vessel. I found a peron, Alfredo González, WhatsApp +56 9 7750 0149 who is able to help out with re-fueling. He will come with a lancha and take you and your jerrycans to shore and drive you to a gas station and back to your boat. Great help! However remember this is his side gig, he’s a diver with a diving center, so he has to find a free time slot to do that. Highly recommended.
    All in all place is beautiful and very interesting with great history, and friendly people.

    1. April 17, 2024 at 5:21 PM
      profile photo
      Sue Richards says:

      Thank you for this really useful feedback.

  4. August 3, 2022 at 5:23 PM
    ingeatsvya says:

    It’s not yet an easy job to get into Easter Island after the opening of the borders related to COVID. Checking the sites seems like a really good idea. No specifics for entry for yachts, unfortunately.

  5. December 7, 2021 at 6:46 PM
    profile photo
    sue-richards says:

    There have been reports that the Port Captain for Easter Island has been advising yachts (coming from Galapagos and mainland Ecuador) that they will be allowed into Easter Island. However, Immigration (PDI) are not permitting yachts to enter as the borders are closed. In an emergency, yachts may be permitted to anchor and get food/fuel.

  6. March 11, 2020 at 11:51 PM
    lyndalim says:

    Posted on behalf of Davidi Gilo
    We just sail to Easter Island from Galapagos via Lima, Peru (February 2020) and we wish to inform you of this information regarding entering Easter Island by Boat from outside Chile:
    Every boat arriving to Easter Island from outside Chile must clear upon entry in Hanga Roa however:
    Based on Chilean government regulations, boat are not allowed to clear in themselves and they are required to you an agent.
    There is ONLY one agent in Easter Island and he change about 4 times more then other agent charge anywhere else in Chile or other location in South and Central America
    We are 37M sailing yacht and his fees were around $3,000 – he charges others fees such as to bring the custom and immigration officer to the boat $250, we paid the same boat $20 for the same ride. He charge $200 communication fee and on and on. Basically it is a total extortion and there is no way around it, we argues for 5 hours with the Chilean port authorities – but they refuse to get involved in this extortion and we had no choice but to use him.
    Other points:
    There is ability to fuel in Easter Island, however you must use the agent and he charge $1500 for providing the fuel pump and marine’s fuel protection at sea plus $250 per 1,000 liter delivery plus fuel costs. (Prices are Feb 2020).
    I hope it is helpful,
    Kind Regards,
    Davidi Gilo

  7. September 8, 2014 at 3:07 AM
    Data Entry3 says:

    Visiting in August 2014.
    Impossible to anchor in front of Hanga Roa, always during our stay -10 days- S to SW swell 3,5 m to 4 m!

    Anchorages of Hotuiti and of Anakeda alternative BUT very uncomfortable because of the swell not the same direction than the wind.
    Beautiful stop, winter, few people in sites.