Antigua & Barbuda - Facts

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Antigua & Barbuda FAQs

Pre-Arrival Boat: Pre-register with either eSeaClear or SailClear. If entering Barbuda, it’s necessary to get permission from Customs first. See Clearance for details.
Pre-Arrival Crew: Visas are not required by nationals from a number of countries. See Immigration for details.
Where can I enter? English Harbour and Jolly Harbour in Antigua and Codrington in Barbuda. Click on the blue “Explore Country” button and then the anchor symbol to access ports of entry.
Are fees high to enter by yacht? Approximately US$50 for a 40ft yacht with 2 crew – see Fees for details.
What security concerns should I know about? Antigua has the lowest violent crime rate in the Caribbean and severe crime against tourists is rare. See Security for more info.

Antigua & Barbuda Facts for Sailors

  • Antigua and Barbuda is a state in the West Indies between the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, consisting of the two main islands of Antigua and Barbuda and a number of smaller islands including the uninhabited Redonda Island. Barbuda is approx. 30NM north of Antigua
  • The majority of the population of 95,000 live on Antigua.
  • English is the official language with Antigua and Barbudan Creole the native dialect.
  • The currency is the Eastern Carribean dollar though US dollars and credit cards are widely accepted. For more information see the General Info section.
  • The time zone is UTC – 4.  For more information see the General Info section.
  • The capital and largest port is St John’s on Antigua with Codrington the main town on Barbuda.
  • The islands have a tropical climate with a rainy season from September to November. For more details see Weather.
  • Hurricane Irma – the most powerful Atlantic hurricane in recorded history – ploughed over the top of Antigua and Barbuda in early September 2017. The Category 5 storm had sustained wind speeds of at least 185mph and gusts over 200mph. Barbuda was virtually destroyed and the entire population was evacuated, however Antigua sustained no damage at all.
  • The islands are renowned for magnificent white sandy beaches coral reefs and the colonies of Frigate birds which are slowly returning to the island of Barbuda after the devastation of Hurricane Irma.
  • Yachts planning on visiting Barbuda should be as self-sufficient as possible for the duration of their stay.
  • English Harbour on Antigua is one of the most picturesque harbors in the world. Nelsons Dockyard within English Harbour is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • April and May are busy months on Antigua when cruising boats arrive on their way to Europe or North America, and racing enthusiasts turn up for Antigua Sailing Week held every year at the end of April. There are extensive yachting services on Antigua – for details see the Yachting Essentials section.

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Antigua & Barbuda was last updated 5 months ago.

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  1. June 2, 2024 at 5:30 PM
    mpail says:

    The link for on this page includes the “www.” prefix. If the “www.” is included, the page will not load.

    1. June 6, 2024 at 3:34 PM
      profile photo
      Sue Richards says:

      Thanks Mike for picking up on this – URL now fixed.

  2. April 19, 2024 at 8:33 PM
    Kris Hearst says:

    To check into Barbuda, first must send email to comptroller of customs requesting permission. Do this 48 hours ahead of arrival. Email, copy to Upon arrival you should WhatApp John at +1 (268) 464-5012 to make sure he is at the office. Let him know you have recived permission from the Comptroller of Customs. When you check in at Barbuda, you will pay no fees, but will be instructed to pay them when you get to Antigua at the Port Authority office.

  3. March 30, 2023 at 6:59 AM
    Lynda Lim says:

    Information sent to Noonite by Joe Karpinski – SSCA Antigua Host

    “This email is to report on operational changes in entering and leaving Antigua.  These have not been published, but appear to be how operations are changing informally from the COVID regiment to a post-COVID regiment.

    1  Operationally, yachts wishing to enter Antigua are no longer being asked to announce themselves via VHF prior to arrival at a port of entry.  The pre-COVID practice of securing your boat, and the captain/owner proceeding to the immigration/customs office for entry formalities is what is being practiced now.  Entering yachts will be asked to fill out a ship’s health form.  The form appears designed more for commercial vessels rather than private yachts, but the questions are straightforward and will not require any crew-specific information.  At the bottom of the form is a signature line for the ‘Ship’s Medical Officer’ which the captain/owner of the entering vessel should sign.
    2 People entering and leaving via Jolly Harbour are reporting they are being asked to wear face masks while in the immigration/customs building.  Officially, the mandatory wearing of face masks in Antigua was discontinued last year, but apparently the Jolly Harbour office is requesting visitors to continue to do so.  Visitors to the English Harbour office are not being asked to wear face masks.  The recommendation is captains/owners checking in or out of Jolly Harbour be sure to have a face mask with them.  “

  4. January 7, 2022 at 9:44 PM
    scpeters says:

    Here are the National Parks Fees related to anchoring in English and Falmouth Harbors as of Jan 7, 2022, obtained when we visited Dockyard port authority office in English Harbor, in the same building as customs and immigration. If you are already checked in, you can anchor in Falmouth and just walk over. You’ll need to tell the park entrance kiosk that you are aboard a boat and need to locate the customs/immigration office. They will give you directions instead of charging the park entrance fee at the gate.
    All rates were quoted in $USD, but then converted to EC if charging to a card.

    Anchoring Fee (English & Falmouth Harbors)
    0.10 per ft per day
    0.70 per ft per week (no discount for a week)
    1.98 per ft per month (1/3 discount)

    Trash Removal Fee & Environmental Fee
    1.70 per person per day
    0.70 per person per day

    Landing Fee
    15 per person above age 12.
    7.50 per person 12 and under

    Hope this is helpful! I couldn’t find this information anywhere, and I looked…

  5. December 22, 2021 at 7:18 PM
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    sue-richards says:

    Antigua and Barbuda will officially end its Covid State of Emergency (SoE) at midnight on December 23, 2021. The SoE was implemented in March 2020 – 21 months ago – as a means of mitigating the spread of Covid-19. The lifting of the SoE in Antigua will have very little impact on most visitors and residents. All existing vaccination and testing requirements for entering the country remain in effect, as do all existing procedures for entering the country. Covid related protocols for moving in public including mask wearing, handwashing, temperature checks when entering public entities, and social distancing requirements will continue to be observed. All should continue to expect to show proof of full vaccination when entering restaurants and other businesses. Pictures of a valid Covid vaccination card on a phone is acceptable. Being fully vaccinated means that you have finished your vaccination cycle, whether that’s one dose or two, and two weeks have passed since your last inoculation. Evidence of having had Covid in lieu of vaccination is not recognized in Antigua. Mixing of approved Covid vaccines is accepted. The end of the SoE will mean the elimination of the present 11:00pm-5:00am curfew as well as some other requirements on businesses. The SoE can be reestablished at any time.
    Joe Karpinski – SSCA Antigua Host

  6. December 13, 2021 at 1:14 PM
    richardbelanger says:

    Quick update on moorings in Antigua and Barbuda. We were on our boat, SV Blue Osprey a 45 ft catamaran, on December 1 and 2 off Green Island in Nonsuch Bay and briefly tied up to one of the moorings. After inspecting the condition of the mooring, we quickly moved to anchor. The chain connecting the mooring float to the seabed anchor was corroded and on some links almost 50% of the chain had worn through. After some discussions with a local expert (Max from 40Knot kiteboarding who lives aboard his trimaran tucked into Green Island) all of the moorings in that area should be considered unsafe. They haven’t been serviced since 2010 and Max has seen other moorings break off even without boats connected.

    We also took a look at the moorings in North Sound off of Great Bird Island and they also seemed to be in poor condition.

    The only moorings in Antigua that should be considered safe are the ones in Falmouth Harbor which seem to be maintained by the Antigua Yacht Club Marina.

    1. December 23, 2021 at 11:25 PM
      stephencwest22icloud-com says:

      Moorings at Jolly Harbour are well maintained and in protected water.

    2. December 26, 2021 at 10:34 PM
      svwindhorse says:

      The same corroded chain situation applies at the Bird Island moorings.

  7. December 9, 2021 at 11:39 PM
    scpeters says:

    Just checked in at Jolly Harbor. They are NOT following the same protocol as English Harbor. The whole boat must report, either with the vessel or in dinghy, to the yellow customs house in Jolly Harbor. There is dock space for maybe 2-3 boats.

    They do NOT have a radio and do not respond to any hails on any channel (we tried). The crew+master must undergo a temperature health screening with inspection of vaccine cards and PCR tests. Then the regular check-in through the three offices on-site.

    It is quite efficient, but they will NOT come out to the vessel.

    1. December 12, 2021 at 11:50 AM
      profile photo
      Sue Richards says:

      Thank you so much for this very useful feedback which we’ve added to the biosecurity section for Antigua and Barbuda.

  8. April 12, 2021 at 7:18 PM
    capmaj says:

    Costums and migration office in Jolly Harbour is closed.
    Only office open is English Harbour and Saint Johns.

  9. February 6, 2021 at 6:36 PM
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    sue-richards says:

    Visa Extensions for Cruisers in Antigua:

    Lynn of SV Roxy is one of the SDSA members who is acting on behalf of cruisers who need to extend their visas in Antigua. Normally, most cruisers do not spend more than 90 days in Antigua and the normal visa renewal process is quite complex as it is oriented to those who wish to establish more permanent residency. This process really isn’t meant for the circumstances that cruisers find themselves facing, unable to realistically move from island to island. There are several hundred cruisers who will be in Antigua for longer than 90 days and Lynn has been working hard to find a way to avoid a much more complex renewal process.

    Message reads:

    A huge debt of gratitude is due to Marie Kirnon of sv Metalia whose exhaustive effort on our behalf since June has finally come to fruition. After a cordial meeting between governmental ministers and representatives of the cruising community, new protocols are in the works for Yachties and Cruisers. The proposed new protocols will be less arduous than those for people looking for Antiguan passports or work permits. Details are still being worked out, but for now what we understand is this:

    People looking to extend their visitation permits (visa) beyond 90 days will be required to schedule an appointment by calling 268 463-9410 or by emailing . Those whose permits/visas expired in January are encouraged to call as soon as possible – Monday 8 February or Tuesday, 9 February – to schedule an appointment. If your visa expired in early February, please call later this week – Wednesday or Thursday – to schedule your appointment. Those whose visas have not yet expired are encouraged to wait until three or four days before expiration.

    The best part of this news is that your renewal can be done in English Harbor or (coming soon) in Jolly Harbor.

    When you go to your appointment you will need to provide:
    – An Extension Request Form – expected to be available to fill out on line and printed. If you are unable to print it aboard there may be a small “printing fee” to print it at the immigration office.
    – Passport
    – Inbound clearance papers
    – Boat documentation papers
    – A letter of recommendation. This is in place of a financial statement and details are still in the works. If you have hauled and/or stored at an Antiguan boat yard this form can be obtained from them. If not, it may be available from the dockyard in Jolly Harbor or in English Harbor regardless.
    – $300 ECD per person: as of yet we are not certain if this fee applies to children.

    All applicants must be present. Please remember to dress nicely – no cut-offs or bathing suits; collared shirts for men and no tank tops for anyone – and to observe all COVID protocols; masks, distancing, etc.

    If this still seems cumbersome, please remember what we are NOT being asked to provide; passport photos, bank statements, birth certificates, marriage license, etc. This protocol has been offered in the best of faith recognizing that cruisers are not seeking residency and are quality visitors enjoying and enhancing the community. Please continue to be so.

    For now, this is just a framework. Exact, written requirements should be available soon.

    sv Roxy

    Our thanks to the OCC for sharing this information.

  10. January 22, 2021 at 5:45 PM
    mark-hoenke says:

    MMSI 245227000

    Dredging operations St John, Antigua

    Class A
    79 meters

    Distinguishing Features; day-glow orange accents.

    This is a sand sucker dredge in the St John area. It makes several excursions off shore daily to dump dredged materials from his hold. He claims restricted at all times even when motoring to or from dumping when he is at sea and clearly motoring. You will probably not see necessary day shapes either.

    He refused to give way as we were approaching Deep Bay under sail. I hailed to assert that he was the give way vessel. He claimed “restricted”. We were in open water with sufficient depth, space and no restrictions during daylight hours. My Watchmate showed a zero CPA. We had to take severe evasive maneuvers to pass astern. I believe he has a programmed autopilot and will not take it out of automatic for anything.

    Consider this vessel Rogue and dangerous. Several witnesses in the anchorage said he was crazy and clearly wrong.

    1. January 23, 2021 at 8:05 AM
      profile photo
      Sue Richards says:

      Thank you Mark – I have noted this navigation hazard on the St. Johns port page.

  11. January 10, 2021 at 3:05 AM
    richardfreeborn says:

    Clearing into Antigua – Update 9th January 2021
    We cleared into Antigua today, coming from St Barts. The procedures we were required to undergo seem vastly different to those published.
    • URGENT. From Monday 11th January 2021 all yachts arriving from French territories (St Martin, St Barts, Guadeloupe, and Martinique) will have to undergo 14 days mandatory quarantine afloat in Antigua, without exception. This is because of a spike in COVID19 in the French territories. We learned this from the health officer who visited our yacht today and this was confirmed by the immigration staff, so it seems to be likely to be correct.
    • In theory, call on VHF channel 16 – according to the Antigua Government – a minimum of 6 hours before arriving to find out where you should go. In practice we could not get a reply – and we have not yet found anyone that did get a response this way; 6 hours may be 40 to 50 miles away, so too far for VHF. Unless you get a reply, just go to English Harbour, and anchor. There was no room for us, and it was dark when we arrived, so we anchored in the much larger Falmouth Harbour – and they do not seem to mind that as long as you move to English Harbour as soon as its light, because the health inspector does his rounds in the mornings. Fly the Q flag. However, there might be some days when the health inspector does do his rounds in Falmouth Harbour too, possibly when there are Superyachts too large to get into English harbour, but this is not reliable information.
    • The term “English Harbour” also includes Freeman Bay, which is actually just outside English Harbour. In fact there were no yachts in English Harbour awaiting quarantine when we were there – whereas there would 5 waiting in Freeman Bay. The inspector will come to Freeman Bay, and it seems that this is where he is expecting to find you, not in English Harbour itself.
    • The starting point is clearing health, which has to be done afloat. Do not go ashore or try to clear in at Customs without first getting your health clearance document, which will be issued afloat, on board. If you set foot on shore without health clearance then you are breaking the law, with serious consequences. Obviously, wear a mask at all times on shore, sanitise hands when available etc, otherwise there are very heavy fines.
    • Do not rely on the website for any of the Health clearances, or, indeed, and advice whatsoever about Health – it is not applicable, and they are simply not mentioned. There is a link on – a red button that takes you to which should, in theory, give you more information about clearing Health – but, in practice, it does not provide any such information. Worse, the website says “This site aims to alert visitors to any discrepancy between published policy and actual reality at the port level” but in practice it is of no use whatsoever. Even worse, this will lull you into a false sense of security as, in practice, the “actual reality at the port level” is entirely different to the pre-COVID19 experience of clearing in at Antigua, or that suggested on either of these websites where Health is concerned.
    • However, still complete the process as normal, although it will not help you at all with Health.
    • We tried calling and emailing all the numbers given out on the Government’s Ministry of Tourist & Investment’s “Yachting Entry and Clearance Protocol Guidelines” document (Google to find but make sure it is the latest version, which at the moment is apparently 1st November 2020) but none worked.
    • The number (which we eventually managed to obtain) that reached the appropriate official is +1 268 4621493 (not, apparently, a published telephone number) – and they will, in theory, organise the inspection. In practice, we found that they did not organise an inspection that was specific to ourselves, merely, it seems, that the inspector would have been given the name of our yacht and its location. This is because they require an Antigua based phone number, as the inspector will not call an EU or US based phone. If you do not have a local phone number – and, lets face it, no visitors will – then you have to rely on the inspector seeing your yellow quarantine flag in the anchorage. However, he will be looking, and English Harbour is small. That said, it is still important that if you did not get through on the VHF to call +1 268 4621493 and register that you need an inspection, so that you have completed due process.
    • There is a much better solution! The most direct way to receive confirmation of an inspection is to Whatsapp the inspector directly as we did. Mr Edwards +1 268 764 3446. He came aboard, and like most Antiguan officials, was very welcoming, efficient, and charming. He checked our RT-PCR negative test results from St Barts as a tick-box operation without question. There were more forms to fill in. One you can fill in before he arrives, which saves time, is the “Ministry Of Health, Wellness and the Environment Health Screening Questionnaire”, one for each person on board, which is really for airport arrivals, but they are also using it for those arriving by sea. It is called “ANU Health Declaration Form”. Luckily, you can download it from Virgin Atlantic
    • Given our circumstances – having been in BVI’s for most of 2020 then St Barts – we did not have to go straight into 14 days quarantine. Mr Edwards issued us with the Health Clearance – which is nattily entitled “Annex 8 Model of Maritime Declaration of Health” (which is really designed for ships), so we could then go into Nelsons Dockyard and clear in with Customs, Immigration and Port Authority, as usual. Then we were off for a beer!
    Richard Freeborn and Alexandra Blakeman Early on Yacht Hawkeye (UK registered Lagoon 450)

    1. January 22, 2021 at 5:58 PM
      mark-hoenke says:

      We represent Salty Dawgs and we’re the greeters in Freeman bay when the rally boats entered over several days. The established procedure was to enter preferably in English or Freeman Bay and anchor, Q flag. Call Nelson’s Dockyard Marina and tell them you wish to clear in. They will make all arrangements with the health inspector who will visit your boat. If you enter Faulmouth Harbor you hail the Antigua Yacht Club Marina and request to clear in.

      Freeman Bay is frequently packed. Tidal currents can spin boats in multiple directions. You may anchor anywhere in the English Harbor waterway including past Slipway Marine. Tell the dockyard where you can be found.

      Do not go ashore until the health inspector has given you a pass.

    2. January 23, 2021 at 8:04 AM
      profile photo
      Sue Richards says:

      Thank you Mark for clarifying the procedure in English Harbor – I have updated our English Harbor port page accordingly –

  12. January 7, 2021 at 2:16 PM
    annemarieescape says:

    Just to let you know that the 3 phone numbers provided above for Customs and immigration in Barbuda are currently not active.

  13. November 6, 2020 at 9:36 AM
    kvaavik says:

    Can anyone provide insight re: the latest (November 1) government directive regarding travel, specifically
    – I have been in Grenada for a month and plan to sail to Antigua, drop one crew there, then proceed onward to Sint Maarten.
    – Grenada is no longer in the bubble, but only due to its concern to limit Covid risks from other bubble countries, Grenada is a low risk country.
    – Do I and crew need to quarantine in Antigua?
    – If crew needs to quarantine, can I check out and continue my travels without quarantining?

    Thanks for any insights!

    Karl Aavik
    S/V Rocinante

  14. June 2, 2020 at 8:23 PM
    janpaulbuis says:

    We tried to clear in to Antigua in St. Johns bay tuesday june 2nd. After having our temperature check we were told to go to the designated quarantaine area and stay on the boat for 14 days. After that period we can check in. Antigua has not opened its borders for yachts yet.

    1. June 3, 2020 at 7:56 AM
      profile photo
      Sue Richards says:

      Thanks for the feedback Jan. Please see It says: skippers will be given instructions by the authorities as to if there is a need to quarantine and/or lowering your Lima flag. I don’t know which Island you came from, however I would imagine authorities are still being very cautious. Nearly everywhere that is opening is still requiring quarantine, however Antigua is definitely open having closed completely back at the start of April to all foreign yachts.

  15. March 22, 2020 at 12:19 PM
    stephencwest22icloud-com says:

    What is the source of the agent requirement in the March 21 post under Biosecurity for Antigua and Barbuda?

  16. March 18, 2020 at 4:05 PM
    mleuenberger says:

    Where exactly do I have to send the documents like
    – Crew list complete with full names and addresses
    – Travel history for the last month
    – A Maritime Declaration of health
    – A copy of the last ten ports of call
    before I enter Antigua waters?

  17. March 16, 2019 at 10:58 AM
    Lynda Lim says:

    St Johns Emergency Medical Care.
    A crew member had an eye infection while we were in Barbuda and had lost vision as the eye fogged over on a Saturday morning. I called the ER department at the St Johns Hospital to be sure we could be seen by an ophthalmologist on a Saturday, then sailed back to Antigua and arrived at the hospital at 2 PM. We were informed that we had to pay an EC$2,500 deposit to get on the waiting list, but that would be refunded if not used. The nurse then took blood pressure and temperature and we began to wait. After a few hours of watching others come and go, we inquired, but were told that the ophthalmologist would not be called until the ER doctor evaluated you, but that doctor was busy. Apparently blindness from an infection was not a priority. After waiting until 6 PM we heard sirens arriving with accident patients, and could see that on a Saturday night there was no way we could be seen. We had the nurse write a note that no one had seen us. The next Monday we were seen by a private ophthalmologist in town, at which point some of the vision had returned. She promptly diagnosed the problem, provided prescriptions and then saw us again two days later for a total charge of EC$160.

    We then returned to the hospital billing department, who informed us “there is nothing we can do” in terms of a refund. We ended up “upstairs” and after an hour plus of arguing and waiting, the hospital kept EC$970 (about US$360) as a “minimum charge” for taking blood pressure and temperature, and refunded $1,530 on our credit card a few days later. They said the admission billing clerk was “not authorized” to assure us that our EC$2,500 would be refunded. We were fortunate that the 2 day delay did not have more severe consequences and hope that others can make an informed decision on medical care in Antigua if and when the need arises.

  18. June 14, 2018 at 9:48 AM
    Data Entry says:

    Beware: Medical care in St. Johns Antigua
    My partner had a small incident on board our ship. Due to the lid of the anchor locker falling on her big toe, the nail was cut off and the wound was bleeding a lot. We went to St. Johns hospital and were asked to pay 960 USD right away. after 5 hours waiting the wound was finally disinfected and bandaged.

    We received a second bill of 420 USD for x-rays we never had. After complaining the hospital rectified the bill and we would have a refund of 500 USD.

    At present we are still awaiting the refund. Another Dutch boat had a similar experience. So beware: it’s a ripoff for at best average medical treatment. Taking into account the waiting of 5 hours, it seems a better plan to sail back to Guadeloupe to have proper medical treatment at the correct price.

    1. June 30, 2018 at 8:49 AM
      Data Entry says:

      We finally got reimbursed for the excess amount, thus the ripoff part is solved now

  19. May 15, 2018 at 4:12 PM
    Data Entry says:

    Cleared out in St John’s in May’18. You need to first go to port authority in the main harbour to obtain a document then back to Customs & Immigration next to Redcliffe Quay. EseaClear not available so all paperbased. Friendly staff but lengthy process. If you can, clear out in English or Jolly Harbour.

  20. April 4, 2018 at 12:15 AM
    Data Entry says:

    We’ve visited Antigua and Barbuda in March 2017. After clearing in at Nelsons Dockyard we immediately asked about clearing out in Barbuda, which they said to be possible. It wasn’t, so we had to sail back to Antigua again.

    I would suggest you check out on Antigua before leaving for Barbuda if you’re on your way north. Don’t skip Barbuda though, its amazing even post-hurricane. We anchored at Spanish Point, the charts seemed to be accurate everywhere. It is deserted on land, donkeys and wild horses have taken over the destroyed resort. Take enough provisions.

  21. January 4, 2018 at 5:46 PM
    Data Entry says:

    Antigua Barbuda SAR has lots of donations for Dominica at Falmouth Harbour. Boats who can carry cargo early January 2018 contact

  22. December 18, 2017 at 8:13 PM
    Data Entry says:

    Please be aware that if you have children on board, the authorities are now invoking a passenger exit fee of $75EC per child under the age of 15. This is ridiculous since a fully crewed vessel pays only exit fees of $70EC but for us (family of 5 with 3 children) it was redicously expensive @ $295EC. Our visit to Antigua was seriously soured by the exit.

  23. November 27, 2017 at 5:35 PM
    Data Entry says:

    This is the SV Aftica, currently anchored at Low Bay, Barbuda. There are no restrictions. There has been some sand shifting but we had 10-12ft of water east of 9ft Bank. There are two breaches in beach between Low Bay and the Lagoon – use the north one (just south of LightHouse Bay Hotel) to dinghy into Codrigton – the ferry (Barbuda Express) and fishing boats are using it. DO NOT USE THE SOUTH BREACH.

  24. November 12, 2017 at 10:53 AM
    Data Entry says:

    We are returning to Antigua in December. Many times we have visited Barbuda , this year with the devestation caused I was considering guving it a miss . Is anyone aware of restrictions sailing there , as may just do a quick 30 mile trip and moor overnight without landing at Coco point. Was also concerned over the approach with shifting sands?

  25. June 9, 2016 at 10:18 PM
    Data Entry says:

    Anchoring in Antigua: Non-such Bay (Green Island) is one of the most beautiful anchorages in the area: Easy entrance by the south, excellent protection from the swell and a lot of room for everyone. Going out through the north channel is quite easy as the channel is well defined. However, we have been disappointed by the north sound:

    The most beautiful beach on Long Island (Jumby Bay) is 100% private and used by a huge resort and private villas. We got evicted from the beach by a security guard…too bad for the kids. Great bird island is OK but some guides talk about amazing snorkeling. We have been disappointed.

  26. June 9, 2016 at 10:13 PM
    Data Entry says:

    Clearance is easy but bureaucratic in English HArbour. However, if you plan to clear out in Barbuda, be armed with patience as you have to visit several places, most of the time closed at the open hours! However, Barbuda is a paradise: Cocoa Point is nice and protected.

    Low Bay is gorgeous, as long as the swell does not come in. Don’t miss the visit to the fregate birds sanctuary with a local guide. You will learn a lot about the island and the local culture.

    Locals are very proud of their island and they deserve to be respected: It is forbidden to go by yourself with the dinghy to the sanctuary and we witnessed french cruisers going there by themselves and making fun of local guides. What a shame.

  27. February 7, 2016 at 9:11 PM
    Data Entry says:

    Just cleared in English Harbour. 7th February 2016
    We are moored in Falmouth, we went ashore with our dinghy and 10 minutes walk we found English Harbour
    The custom and immigration office is open Monday to Sunday 8 am to 4:45 pm.

    I suggest to arrive with the eSeaClear form completed already, otherwise, there are computers available in the office.

    I completed the entire process, custom, immigration and port authority for the cruising permit in less than 30 minutes.

    Officers were friendly.

  28. January 30, 2016 at 9:54 PM
    Data Entry says:

    The two best places to anchor in Antigua are Falmouth and Jolly Harbour. The last one is beautiful and the water is turquoise and is a very good shelter.

    The east coast is more dangerous because of the stronger winds and surf and the reefs, but Non-Such Bay is worth it. Barbuda is Paradise and you must anchor at Cocoat Point and enjoy its incredible beach.

    Antigua is the base of the huge yachts and is very busy and lively because of the younger crews.

  29. December 28, 2014 at 3:36 PM
    Data Entry says:

    Posted on behalf of Erik Roll, SY Senseless (USA):
    Just cleared in at Jolly Harbour on 12/20/2014. The process took 3 hours.

    3 offices, Customs, Immigration, and Port Authority. Official opening hour was 8 am, but only Immigration was there on time. Port Authority was 1 and 1/2 hour late and left after 15 minutes to go for breakfast.

    You need to enter all data including crew list into the eSeaClear system. Then they print the information out on forms which are signed and manually processed by each department. The officials are friendly and cooperative, but the system is inefficient. Smile you are on Island time.

  30. March 2, 2014 at 1:01 PM
    Data Entry says:

    Be very careful of customs in English Harbor. One of the Caribbean 600 competitor owners made the mistake of sending his crew to customs and went to the airport- he was fined $5,000 EC for this minor infraction, and made to pay it in cash before the boat was cleared. This has happened to others (see the Jolly Harbor entry in the Cruising Guide). The US consular representative has become involved and described this as extortion. For US cruisers, the consular representative is helpful.