Search Results for: cheap airline tickets leaving fort lauderdale 9/8/17 phone number 1-800-299-7264 2, Mr Vimbert, le point 3. Cordialement, prefecture CROSS CROSS ANTILLES-GUYANE / FORT DE FRANCE MRCC 16 boulevard de la Marne BP 621 97261 Fort de France Cedex telephone...
...EU citizens automatically have the right to stay (at the moment). The UK leaving the EU will change many regulations. Non-EU citizens can only freely move within the Schengen Area...
...countries visited). They wanted to see the ships papers, number, port registration, etc. etc. They wrote everything down on all 3 copies. The day after the visits on board, we...
...of the phone numbers. They're having some IT issues. Use the email address: for the required advance notification of arrival. We stayed in touch with customs on our crossing...
...port of call was Le Castella, a very sleepy little fishing town with a fort worth visiting. We couldn't reach anyone at the marina so we went inside the fishing...