Search Results for: september long weekend 2018 cheap airline tickets phone number 1-800-299-7264 also a cheap Tuktuk driver for the marina-people. This is a well educated man, knows a lot of facts over the Sri-Lanka culture and is a good guide to...
...visiting. Think of the number of boats vs the number of incidents. May the odds be forever in your favour :-)! Data Entry3 Buoys again. Noonsite is a reference for...
...expect to pay a bit more, but it is still cheap by western standards. Berth holders get a 35% discount on everything at the resort. After the privations of Indonesia,...
...- think excellent cerviche for $1. Free wifi was available in the main town square and in the same building as immigration by the airport. If you have long range...
...very open. Almost every place is worthwhile a visit, as long as you have the time for a break, long enough for a mint tea, a ramble through the souk...