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...served at a desk and with the SIM card inserted into my phone when the lady (with very long and beautifully decorated fingernails) discovered that my phone would NOT pick... ahead, but we got no signal, and they were fine (but do phone if you get a signal). US stamps acquired in USVI - good for them also. Fees... you mobile phone/ internet reception at all 212 anchorages Data Entry5 Regulations on pets aboard have changed and you'd be totally nuts to have a cat or dog aboard....
...We were on board sleeping, during the night boat was boarded and bike stolen. sallythesailor Hello, i was wondering if anyone knew about a cheap port to leave my 30ft... a phone number. The number is given in the Doyle guide, so this might be expected. However, none of my SIM cards was able to complete the call. Time...
...about getting a SWIFT CODE/MT103 for confirmation. They do not use this format but sent me a simple confirmation number beginning with PET---------. This confirmation number was sent to BIOT...
Updated 6 years ago