USA, Maine: Winter Storms Cause Significant Damage to Harbors and Marinas
Severe storms which struck the US eastern state of Maine during January and March 2024 have resulted in significant damage to many waterfront services and marinas.
Published 11 months ago
Significant Waterfront Damage in Maine
Source: Cruising Club of America
According to a report from the Cruising Club of America, most harbors and working waterfronts from Kittery to Cutler, took a significant hit from severe storms which struck the US eastern state of Maine during January and March 2024, with few areas escaping the carnage.
Cruisers planning to visit the Maine coastline this Spring and Summer should check the state of local marinas and harbors before setting out and be aware that there may be considerable debris still floating in the water.
Work is underway to survey and estimate the damage, but several initial estimates of $100 million dollars or more have been put forward. Over 500 waterfront businesses have already submitted preliminary damage assessments.
Wind and Tide Combination
Two significant storm events – on January 10 and 13, saw hurricane force winds from the south-east combine with astronomical high tides to bring third-highest water level ever along the coast of Maine, causing widespread coastal damage.
Then on March 10, another storm and another king tide brought widespread coastal flooding and damage to many areas still recovering from the January storms.
The areas of Camden, Rockland and Penobscot Bay were among the hardest hit with the Landings Marina in Rocklands completely shattered and only two key waterfront facilities surviving in Camden.

Related News:
- Sunday Storm Made it a Triple Whammy on the Coast (Portland Press Herald)
- Significant Storm Strikes Maine (MaineCentreNews)
- Maine’s Coastline Floods as Storm Pushes Through State (Maine Public)
Noonsite has not independently verified this information.
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