Tristan da Cunha: Strict New Biosecurity Requirements for all Vessels
The remote island of Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic ocean is implementing strict new biosecurity measures in an effort to prevent the introduction of damaging organisms that could threaten the island’s habitat and wildlife.
Published 5 years ago
- Photo of a visiting yacht anchored off Tristan Da Cunha (c)
Tristan da Cunha is a British Overseas Territory in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean and is home to rare wildlife. It is an active volcano and one of the world’s most remote communities.
To protect the fragile ecology of Tristan da Cunha and the outer islands (including Gough, Inaccessible, Nightingale, Alex and Middle Islands) all vessels must now fully understand the island’s bio-security measures and protocols which must be implemented before arriving into the Territory and during the course of their visit.
New protocols for all vessels
The new measures and protocols apply to all vessels including cargo ships, cruise ships, yachts, fishing trawlers, oceanographic research vessels, transport ships, Royal Navy etc.
Because the bio-security regulations are underpinned by legislation, failure to adhere to these regulations is an offence, which is likely to result in prosecution.
The initial fine for a biosecurity breach is £1,000 for any contaminated cargo/equipment or breach by a visitor and £5,000 for any subsequent breach.
Documentation to be completed
Each person going ashore at Tristan or any of the Outer Islands must familiarise themselves with Tristan da Cunha’s biosecurity measures and complete all the biosecurity checks, including the ‘Biosecurity Self-Audit Checklist and Declaration’.
Related Links:
Tristan da Cunha Government Biosecurity Measures for Visiting Vessels.
Related to following destinations: Edinburgh, Tristan da Cunha