Trinidad & Tobago: Co-ordinated Effort Saves Yacht in Distress

A co-ordinated effort between the Trinidad & Tobago Coast Guard, North Post Radio and members of the cruising community in Trinidad resulted in a happy ending for a yacht that began taking on water while on passage from Grenada to Trinidad.

Published 3 years ago, updated 11 months ago

A press release from the Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard (TTCG) stated that at 5.40pm on 19 July 2022, they (TTCG) received information from North Post Radio which indicated that a Sailing Vessel (SV) with two (2) persons onboard was in distress in a position approximately thirty-two (32) nautical miles north of the First Boca, Trinidad.  North Post Radio subsequently broadcasted a Mayday call that was answered by Motor Vessel (MV) “Delta Sailor” which was in the vicinity of the Hibiscus Platform.  Delta Sailor proceeded toward the subject vessel in order to render assistance.  Concurrently, the TTCG dispatched a patrol vessel to the location.

Rapid Ingress of Water

Delta Sailor attempted to render assistance to the subject vessel but was unsuccessful since the sailing vessel was experiencing a rapid ingress of water and it was only her forward momentum that prevented her from being filled and sinking.  Nevertheless, Delta Sailor accompanied the stricken vessel until she was able to hand over escort duties to the TTCG patrol boat on the North Coast of Trinidad.  Meanwhile, Coast Guard Operations contacted representatives of the Yachting Services Association of Trinidad & Tobago (YSATT) who were able to make arrangements for the sailing vessel to be docked as soon as she entered Chaguaramas Bay area.

As the sailing vessel drew near to land, the TTCG was able to use a dewatering pump to discharge excess water from her to ensure she remained afloat.  At on 20 July 2022 the SV was safely handed over to be docked in Chaguaramas.

A Collaborative Effort

The TTCG wishes to recognize the efforts of North Post Radio, the captain and crew of MV Delta Sailor and YSATT for the invaluable assistance they provided in this situation.  Their efforts are a fine example of the collaboration necessary for the successful resolution of search and rescue cases and in this regard, they are to be commended.

The Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard continues to provide border security and search and rescue services in order to maintain the safety and security of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago through the conduct of maritime security patrols within our area of operations.

Public Affairs Officer
Trinidad & Tobago Coast Guard

A True Story of a Near thing with a Happy Ending

The full story was recounted in a post on the Trinidad Cruisers Facebook page.

According to the writer, the story unfolds much like an excellent novel, but is true. A wonderful example of what can be done with everyone working together. Any errors or omissions are the fault of the narrator.


  • A 65-foot sailboat (the Boat / the Crew) – Name of the boat and crew not mentioned for privacy
  • North Post Radio (NPR) – An excellent commercial radio station tasked with assisting traffic through the southern windward islands. Their radio extends to Grenada and beyond.
  • Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard (TTCG). Two cutters rendered assistance and went well beyond their call of duty.
  • Jesse James (Jesse). Organizer, Coordinator and best friend of cruisers. Member of the
    Board of YSATT (Yacht Services Association of Trinidad and Tobago).
  • Peake’s Yacht Services (PYS) – One of the premier yacht yards in Trinidad.
  • The Cruiser Community in Trinidad.

The story unfolds

The boat made plans to travel to Trinidad and Tobago and filed a float plan. There was some difficulty in communication so Sharon Rose, Jesse James’s wife took the information and filed a float plan on their behalf. This information was sent to TTCG and NPR.

The Boat was on passage from Grenada to Trinidad. About 2pm on Tuesday 26 July 2022, the crew noticed that they were taking on water. At that point they were about half way between Grenada and Trinidad. They were under sail making 8 to 9 knots. Soon after that, they contacted NPR and declared a Mayday. NPR contacted the offshore oil platform “Hibiscus” that is located about 25 miles north of Trinidad and was on their course. The platform dispatched a rig protection boat, the “MV Delta Sailor”, to the Boat’s location. TTCG also dispatched a cutter to meet up with the Boat. At this point the Boat was still underway.

The situation worsens

As night fell the situation became worse. The water was rising in the boat at a rate of 1cm every 10 minutes. The influx of water shut down the engine. The batteries soon failed and with this the bilge pumps stopped and the VHF radio quit as did the rest of the electronics. They were left to bail out the boat using buckets. One steered the boat while the other bailed. A superhuman effort was required, but as the boat had a very personal attachment they pressed on.

About 8pm, the TTCG cutter arrived on the scene to assist. The captain coordinated with TTCG
headquarters and Jesse James was brought into the picture. The TTCG commander authorized the towing of the vessel if the captain of the cutter thought it was safe to do so. A tow was started. One issue was the lack of communication between the tow. This was solved using the phone app “WhatsApp”. As the tow progressed the captain of the TTCG cutter realized that the forward motion of the tow was the only thing keeping the Boat afloat. At times the bow of the Boat was almost underwater. The crew continued to bail determined to save their Boat.

Photo taken 15 minutes before the TTCG arrived to help.

Haul-out Help

Off stage other events were unfolding. Jesse James realizing that the boat would need help to reach the haul out slip at Peake Yacht Services (PYS). He coordinated with members of the cruising community with dinghies to come to the aid of the Boat when it reached Chaguaramas. PYS was contacted about an emergency haul out as the boat could sink in the slip if not hauled.

A second TTCG vessel was dispatched with a pump to help evacuate water from the Boat. The boat reached the sheltered waters of Chaguaramas Bay about 4am on Wednesday morning. The second TTCG boat was able to come along side and ship a pump to make some headway against the influx of water. TTCG towed the Boat to near the PYS haul out slip. The cruisers in their dinghies took over. With two dinghies on the stern and cruisers help in making sense out of the confusing lights of Chaguaramas Bay, the Boat was pushed toward the PYS haul out slip. Other cruisers ashore took lines and the Boat was secured in the slip.

The boat was unknown to PYS and due to the failure of her hydraulics, it was unclear where to place the slings to haul out the boat. Peter Peake (owner of PYS) was manning the travel lift. His son Chris dove into the water in the dark and guided the slings to their proper place. The Boat was then hauled out of the water and rested on the slings. The boat and crew were safe. The boat remained in the slings until it could be turned around to complete the haul out. A number of boats with scheduled haul outs were rescheduled.

People Acting Together – a Happy Ending

This was a joint effort by a whole group of people acting together. North Post radio who took the
Mayday call and started the ball rolling, the oil field boat MV Delta Sailor who made initial contact, the Coast Guard cutter who towed her to safety, the second boat with the pump, the cruising community who turned to in the middle of the night, Peake’s Yacht Services for personally coming out to haul a boat in trouble, and Jesse James who behind the scenes pulled the strings that made all this happen. The crew of the Boat wishes to express their heart felt thanks to one and all.

A fine example of what the boating community can do when they all come together. A happy ending.

Water inside the stricken vessel rose 40cm in 15 minutes.


Noonsite has not independently verified this information.

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