Singapore: New Port of Entry slated for Raffles Marina

Raffles Marina on the west side of Singapore is being considered as a new Port of Entry for yachts arriving at this island nation.

Published 5 years ago

Raffles Marina, Singapore – photo (c) Raffles Marina website

Noonsite has received information that Raffles Marina has undergone government inspections to check on all necessary security infrastructure and will soon be ready to have yachts clear in and out from the Marina.

This service will be a significant improvement on the 80 km (50 mile) round trip to the Sisters Island anchorage and current clearance location that yachts arriving from the west coast of Thailand and Malaysia have at the moment.

Ray Parry, Raffles Marina’s Chief Executive Officer told Noonsite that the inspection went well and they were now waiting on the final response.

“We hope to be providing this service within the next two months,” he said.

In addition, there is now a fully functional Singapore MRT (mass rapid transit) train station only 100 meters from the marina.

Follow this link for more information on Raffles Marina.

See full clearance information for Singapore at Noonsite Singapore Clearance.

Update:  November 2019 – Raffles Marina has been gazetted as a CIQP marina for clearance procedures.  See this latest news item:

Raffles Marina Receives Official Port of Entry Status

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