Recent Noonsite website outages

Important Notice for Noonsite users who registered or posted information on the site from December 07 to December 09.

Published 5 years ago

Hello Noonsite users,

As some of you will have no doubt noticed Noonsite had some downtime due to a server crash and spent some time in a broken state over the weekend.

We are happy to say we have restored the site and everything is now working as it should be.  Our development team spent the last 24 hours fixing the cause of the crash and recovering the website and data.

Unfortunately, we had to restore the site from a 3-day old backup and as a result, any new account registrations from December 07 until December 09 were lost, plus any comments posted on the site during that time.

We apologize for the inconvenience and hope that users who registered or posted information on Nooniste over the weekend are able to revisit and try again.

Thank you for your understanding.

Ashley Goodman
Digital Media Manager

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