Philippines: Piracy Warning

Philippine Coast Guard warn that the Abu Sayyaf Group are planning to target foreign vessels passing through Sabah.

Published 6 years ago

official Philippines Coast Guard emblem
Official Coast Guard emblem

The ReCAAP ISC has received information from the Philippine Focal Point (Philippine Coast Guard) that a group of approximately 10 ASG (Abu Sayyaf Group) members armed with pistol, rifles and grenade launcher is planning to conduct kidnapping activities at any opportune time in undisclosed areas in Sabah primarily targeting businessmen or ship’s crew of foreign vessels passing through the area.

They are using unmarked colored blue and white motorboats, locally known as jungkong.

Shipmasters and crew are strongly urged to exercise extra vigilance when transiting the waters off Eastern Sabah and Sulu-Celebes Seas.

Source: Philippine Coast Guard

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