New Zealand: Webinar to Help Identify and Detect Marine Pests Before You Arrive

New Zealand has one of the most robust marine biosecurity systems in the world which starts before boats reach the border. As most marine pests arrive on vessels, Biosecurity officials are holding a webinar on October 22 to help maritime arrivals learn how to identify some of the most concerning marine pests for New Zealand.

Published 4 months ago

How to identify and detect marine pests

Source:  Marine Pests NZ

The upper North Island, including the regions of Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Gisborne, Bay of Plenty and Hawke’s Bay is home to more than 70% of New Zealand’s domestic maritime vessels.  With a coastline of accessible bays and good anchorages and coastal towns, the regions are tightly connected with sea travel easy and frequent.

The webinar is being hosted by Marine Pests NZ – which runs the “Clean Below? Good to Go” education campaign to raise awareness of the role biofouling plays in the spread of marine pests.  It is being held at at 7pm on Tuesday 22 October (NZ Daylight Saving Time) and will help commercial and recreational boat owners and crew learn how to detect and identify some of the marine pests which threaten New Zealand’s natural coastal environment.

The webinar will cover:

  • An overview of the marine pests we are most concerned about and how to correctly identify them
  • Guidance on when and how to report a marine pest and what to do if you do find one
  • Information about how pests can hitchhike in the marine environment as biofouling, and as fragments on equipment

This webinar will also be an opportunity to ask questions about marine biosecurity and the work programme underway by the Top of the North Marine Biosecurity Partnership.

Register here – Marine Pests NZ Webinar – October 22


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