New Zealand: Craft Risk Management Standard for Biofouling now in force

On the 15th May 2018, the Craft Risk Management Standard for biofouling on all vessels arriving into New Zealand (the CRMS), came into force. The CRMS aims to reduce vessel biofouling by requiring vessels to take out preventative measures and maintain a clean hull before they arrive into NZ.

Published 7 years ago, updated 6 years ago

The enforcement date marks a transition from the last four years, where vessels were encouraged to comply voluntarily, to one where arriving vessels must carry documentation showing one of the three measures in the standard has been applied.

These measures are:

a)      Cleaning the hull within 30 days prior to arriving in NZ and providing MPI with documentation of that clean; or

b)      Conducting continual hull maintenance using best practise, such as IMO biofouling guidelines, and providing MPI with documentation of that management; or

c)      Conducting hull treatment using an MPI-approved provider within 24 hours of arriving in NZ and providing MPI with documentation of the scheduled treatment.

MPI advises all owners and operators of vessels arriving into New Zealand to familiarise themselves with the Guidance Document accompanying the CRMS, and the Frequently Asked Questions fact sheet, available on the MPI website.

Please be aware that all vessel documentation can be subject to verification upon arrival to New Zealand. As such, vessels must carry all biofouling documentation on board, as these may be requested by MPI officers. If upon verification the documentation provided by the vessel is insufficient to prove compliance with the CRMS, further action may be taken to manage the biosecurity risk. In order to reduce any arrival delays or on-arrival directions for action by MPI relating to biofouling, please ensure that arriving vessels have valid documentation detailing biofouling management actions taken onboard the vessel.

As MPI has been informally requesting biofouling documentation over the last year, has given the industry a four year lead-in to comply, and has taken a proactive communication approach regarding these requirements, MPI anticipates industry to take a proactive approach to be aware of vessel arrival requirements before vessels depart for New Zealand. MPI is also likely to take a less favourable approach to vessel operators and their agents that do not inform themselves of all the necessary requirements before entering New Zealand territory.

Please also be aware that there are no approved cleaning operators in New Zealand. Removal of any macrofouling off international and short-stay vessels is an offence under the Biosecurity Act 1993. As the intent of the CRMS is to manage the risk offshore, MPI advises all operators and owners of vessels to conduct regular inspections and proactive hull cleaning before they arrive into New Zealand territorial waters.

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